Momma say's leave them alone !

Ya right, the wife tells me last there's three racoons in the back yard & leave them alone . A 1/2 later she goes to bed & I sneak out the side door , they are nowhere to be found . Dang it so I sat & watched for about 20 mins. lord behold here pops one out under the cedar tree . Well that's all I needed -- 25 marauder to the head . Side note as I'm typing this I see 2 more on my security camera & the wife is with our friends so good night . D


My neighbors cat got attacked by a raccoon on their back porch at 8 in the morning. If it wasn’t for the maternal instincts of a woman that I never in my life could otherwise picture battling a raccoon with a grill brush that cat wouldn’t be here today as it barely made it as it was. 
I respect all wildlife but raccoons can survive just about anywhere, just not around me if I have anything to say about it.
Thanks for the comments guys , well last night I spent to long typing & they left buy the time I got out there but I know they will be back . My problem is when I topped my hedge a few weeks ago I found out something was pooping on top of them . What a mess with my gas hedge trimmer as you can imagine so it is either the racoons or the possums in which I got two of those last week in a cage but the wife put a end to that also . I know my problem is my bird feeder but it is staying & the pests are going . If it wasn't for all the poop ( I could have filled a 5 gallon bucket up almost from 200 ft. of hedge) they might of got a pass . A neighbor lady said last week she tried to scare two off her deck a few weeks ago during the day time & they were very aggressive , so it's time to thin the herd .
I don’t like raccoons at all.

Well, I hate them with a passion! They are the most destructive animal that can ever be introduced to any residential area. Right now in my city, they have a network where they are living in the sewers, but there is nothing I can do to deal with them in my urban environment. 😪

So I'm going to go murder some from the source!

Grand River Wildlife Area