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Mongoose hunting

I talked to a good friend today who just got back vacationing from Hawaii for two weeks and brought up this thread about the mongoose. He said he saw two of them run across a highway somewhere and also one roadkill. Not sure what island this was on, think he spent most of their time at Maui. So based on his observation I assume these beasties must be pretty commonplace?
Mongoose are fun to hunt and smart critters. When approaching bait they are slow and cautious like their head is on a swivel 360 degrees looking all around to make sure it is safe. Sometimes they will do about a 3 foot circle around the bait before cautiously approaching. I usually hunt from a spot on a pali (cliff) about 25 feet above the bait and they still spot me even when completely still. When they eat the bait they will take a bit, stop and look around for signs of danger. Very easy to spook them

I came up this this way to hunt them which works well:

Cooked some bacon and had a sheet of aluminum foil underneath. Rolled the foil into a ball. Pounded a piece of rebar into the ground about 18" high and secured the foil ball to the top. Mongoose can't resist the bacon smell. Mongoose has to stretch out to reach the foil bacon grease ball. While stretched out they are less cautious then with bait laying on the ground and they don't look around much at all for danger. Another advantage with this method is they are stretched out and don't move much with provides a much easier target.

Usually if I shoot and miss the mongoose will take off and not return, but with the bacon foil they will return in about 5 minutes. The foil bait lasts long too in the heat and rain.
Geez I want to shoot them just because they look like a tree rat!!! 

On a side note, fill a barrel with water and turn the hav-a-hart trap up on end into the barrel. Instant drowning.

Close. We actually put the trap with mongoose in a bucket. Then we drain into another bucket scalding hot water from the solar water heater system and dump in the mongoose bucket = instant death.