I’ve owned them all…seriously. Top three over rated: FX Impact M3, RTI Prophet Performance 2 and the latest p3 followed by Edgun (both lelya and r5m). Just not worth it at all when other, higher quality and more refined options exist.
Amen, brother. One of my pet peeves as well.Any rifle where the stock design makes using a rear bench bag impossible to use! The crazy rear stock designs started about 25yrs ago or so. I thought it was just a fad that would disappear when shooters started to realize their new rifles were tough to use off the bench, but those ridiculous stock designs still continue! Now they even have rear stocks with an undercut and a hook near the toe of the rear stock!
Not all things that are old, are wrong (yes, I'm an old conservative)! Stock designers need to look back at rifles built a few decades ago.
Wow, I've been hyped on the 124's since the early Robert Beeman days, but have never seen one. I filled that void with an HW30.Feinwerkbau 124
The cheapest, flimsiest made high dollar gun with a $3 trigger you'll ever shoot. I'll never get the hype, and I have had a pile of them just to be sure.
The best thing I ever did to one was cut the barrel off and put it on my HW100.
I still have one that I've worked on that's a dedicated peep sight gun. They handle amazingly nice, but they don't shoot to match the handling.
I don't know if I would call them flimsy. Mine is all metal and wood and locks up solid. Very light, joy to cock and easy to handle. I agree the trigger does not match the the HWs but it is still pretty good. I got mine below 1.5 lbs and it is very predictable so with practice I can shoot is very accurate. Mine is 40 years old and was super tuned. Remember in the 70s -80s, Beeman listed the FWB 124 accuracy the best among all the high powered springers back then including the R1. Wischo and HW 35. The FWB barrel may have been the best back then. Mine shoots a little more accurate than my HW 35. However the HW 35 is better looking, better trigger and more rugged and so close in accuracy. There is a bit of hype on the gun but I think it is a childhood thing. The HW97. HW 77, TK 2000 and some others are probably better more accurate guns than a FWB 124. That is why we all need a big collection.Feinwerkbau 124
The cheapest, flimsiest made high dollar gun with a $3 trigger you'll ever shoot. I'll never get the hype, and I have had a pile of them just to be sure.
The best thing I ever did to one was cut the barrel off and put it on my HW100.
I still have one that I've worked on that's a dedicated peep sight gun. They handle amazingly nice, but they don't shoot to match the handling.
I don't know if I would call them flimsy. Mine is all metal and wood and locks up solid. Very light, joy to cock and easy to handle. I agree the trigger does not match the the HWs but it is still pretty good. I got mine below 1.5 lbs and it is very predictable so with practice I can shoot is very accurate. Mine is 40 years old and was super tuned. Remember in the 70s -80s, Beeman listed the FWB 124 accuracy the best among all the high powered springers back then including the R1. Wischo and HW 35. The FWB barrel may have been the best back then. Mine shoots a little more accurate than my HW 35. However the HW 35 is better looking, better trigger and more rugged and so close in accuracy. There is a bit of hype on the gun but I think it is a childhood thing. The HW97. HW 77, TK 2000 and some others are probably better more accurate guns than a FWB 124. That is why we all need a big collection.![]()
The whole FX lineup. Overpriced for what you get. Its the hype and the advertising that sold so many. There is alot of air rifles out there with just as good as quality if not more and don't receive enough recognition or sales.