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Results MRA FT Match Report for 8/28/2021 Match Location at the club


MRA Match Report for 8/28/2021 Match Location at the club Shotgun Range (map)


It was a perfect day, the weather was 77 degrees, cloudy a little breezy with 10 mph gusts and swirling conditions. This was a 60/ 64 shot match with 15/16 lanes including 2 standing lanes and 1 kneeling lane. Sight-in began a little late, at 8:30 - 9:00 am, I didn’t have any numbers for holdover, so I made some quick turret marks at the sight in range and was ready by 9:45 I think..? After that, we had a brief safety meeting and got to the lanes. We had 9 competitors including myself, which worked out well. I was able to spread each squad, 2 lanes apart to keep things moving. We had recently made some course alterations to increase the overall difficulty by adjusting some positions. We also moved 6 targets beyond 40yards, which definitely made the sudden gust and tricky switching winds a major factor. Oddly there was much more wind at the firing line than at the targets, making windage decisions difficult overall. The wind was very misleading, to say the least. With all that being said we had some pretty sweet scores!

Once on the lanes, we had 1 cold line when a string broke on lane 9, “the kneeler” Yeah, “It was meee!!” oh well. Other than that things went well. Well, except I forgot how to count and numbered 2 lanes lane 6, so it only mattered to anyone who tried to pay attention to the lane numbers, if you just moved along using the scorecard it didn’t matter, well.. so I totally screwed that up. Also, we found our extra lane at the end of the match for some reason we had a missing string, so we shot it as a bonus round, and for those that weren’t finished yet, they included it on their score sheet. Other than that Tom Foolery everything went well and all seemed to enjoy the course.

With all that being said, we had a couple of new shooters Jeff Brooks and Curtis Benett, they definitely had a fun time, leaving the range with smiles. I think we have some new FT addicts! LOL Geeze what an introduction, as if things aren’t complicated enough sorry for all the screwups guys! We also had another welcome guest, Mr. Bill Day who made it down from Hollis ME it is always a pleasure to see Bill, thanks for making it buddy! Matt Brackett made it out as well to try the revised course. Below are the scores and equipment list. Also a HUGE thanks to John Eroh, Leo Gonzales, and Ron Carter for putting in some serious effort to make the course revisions!