Mrodair M10

Just wanted to update anybody looking for information on Mrodair and specifically the P12.

I got the kind of response that I was hoping for from Mike. This is why Mrodair is the only place to purchase the P12 and any other SPA airgun.

First my message to him....
Thanks Mike! 

Does the P12 work better Unregulated with the current set up?

Is that because of the Depinger?

Would you recommend me getting a Huma Regulator for this, or is it consistent enough with this gen4 set up? 

Before I place my order, I just wanted to confirm that I'll be receiving the P12 with the factory spring in it, and the two other springs to change out as I see fit. Did I get that right? 

And, that I will need to install the lighter spring in order to take advantage of the adjustments of fps from 700 to 980. Did I get that right? 

I apologize for being slow mentally. I'm not always able to think clearly due to a brain tumor. So thank you for your patience & understanding. 

Thanks again, Tom

Response from Mike a Mrodair...

You need to do nothing to our P-12.

That's the whole point, I do it for you.

They perform better set up with the depinger and we do this to all of them.

The lighter spring comes installed and its ready to go out of the box.

No worries

Those who have them love them.

Just ask, how many used P-12 do you see for sale ?

Only those that have been modded and nearly ruined by those who do not understand the system for the most part.

Even then, for the price, how can you "fix" a used P-12 for the same price as we sell them new ?

The P-12 was my first project, and more tuning has been done to improve the P-12 than any other product I sell.

Those who have purchased our P-12 buy from Mrodair again over 50% of the time.

When your ready, just let me know.We have them in stock and ready to ship.

We Are Mrodair "Stay Tuned"

Michael Esch

Needless to say, I'll be purchasing one tomorrow. I also requested more information on the new Dominator. I'll post what I learn to help any others trying to make an informed decision.

Mobilemail: Thanks for the link to Krale. They had the "Specs" listed for each airgun. However, a P12 from them is not the same as a P12 from Mrodair. That's today's lesson on SPA airguns - lol
"mobilemail"Krale is a very good company, but I like dealing with the small vendors too. I hope you enjoy your new toy!
Thanks. My neighbors will appreciate NOT hearing the bark of my AF Escape (.25 cal) 24" barrel with no shroud. -lol

That's my survival gun and moderators are too pricey. I needed something silent that can hit 75 to 100 yards down the alley. This will make it hard for the neighbors to hear the slap of the target. I can snipe it out the back window and they'll be none the wiser.

Imagine a grown man sneaking around like a like that just to zero his scopes & find the sweet spot & tune his airguns. You can't even shoot in your own backyard anymore. Typical California. They hate the 2nd Ammendment and any form of gun. Surprised it's still legal to own an airgun here.
See what I mean?

California Imposes Strict New Regulations on Airguns
Air rifles and air pistols are not considered “firearms” under federal law. Therefore, in all 50 states, air rifles and air pistols can be purchased “over the counter”, without background checks. The lack of controls on pneumatic guns has long troubled many California lawmakers who have “taken aim” at the airgun industry with tough new legislation. This year, California extends its sweeping gun-control policies to air rifles and pistols under the terms of new legislation, AB 1984, recently codified into law. Under this bill, air rifle and pistol owners will be required to pay an “Air Excise Tax” on all canister refills and CO2 propellants. In addition, all refills must be done by state-licensed air refill centers operated by the California Air Resources Board (CARB). In order to qualify for refills (and purchase propellant cartridges), air rifle and pistol owners must first obtain a state-endorsed “Air User Certificate”, which will cost $95.00, renewable annually. These new regulations take effect June 1, 2009.
New Law Carries Stiff Penalties, Yet Fear of Air “Black Market” Persists
Recognizing that air is an abundant and otherwise free resource, the new law contains tough provisions to prevent air rifle and pistol owners from filling their air canisters from non-approved sources. Any air rifle/pistol owner caught refilling canisters from a private pump or compressor will be subject to a $10,000 fine for the first offense, with criminal penalties (up to 5 years in prison) for repeat offenders. This may, initially, cause some practical problems. Currently, CARB has no certified filling stations for airguns, and given California’s current budgetary crisis, it may be many months before the first filling stations come on-line. In the mean-time, using $8.3 million in Federal Stimulus funding, CARB will hire 65 “Air Security & Surveillance Officers” (ASSOs) to find scoff-laws who continue to fill their airguns with unregistered air. Some observers worry that one unfortunate side-effect of AB 1984 could be the creation of a criminalized “black market” for air in the Golden State.
Democratic legislators praised the new regulations. An official statement by the Assembly Democratic Caucus declared: “This is a great day for all Californians. Air rifles can be just as dangerous as powder-fired weapons. These air rifles are silent killers and even when used for target sports they can put your eye out.” California Governor Schwarzenegger did not issue a formal statement about the new Air Excise Tax. However an aide to the Governor, who declined to be named, remarked: “Look, this state is $40 billion in the red. Any new revenue source is welcome.” Off the record, he added: “We tax gasoline, we tax real estate, we tax health care, we tax income, we tax all the products you buy in stores, and we even tax you when you die. Why not tax air? It’s brilliant. Heck, if we could tax sunshine, we would”.The California State Employees Union also expressed support for the new legislation, noting that it would create up to 200 new, permanent high-paying jobs. Sacramento has an abundance of workers skilled in the dispensing of hot air, so CARB believes it can quickly fill the new positions mandated by AB 1984. The California Legislative Analyst’s Office (CLAO), tasked with estimating the costs of new legislation, has predicted that Air Excise Tax revenues should “more than cover the hardware costs of air filling stations.” However, the CLAO cautioned that “attendant administrative and enforcement costs, including salaries, entitlements, and mandatory pensions, could run into the tens of millions of dollars annually.” Asked to comment on those projected costs, AB 1984’s author, Assemblywoman Juanita Wilson (D. Berkeley), observed: “Let’s worry about that later. This is about Hope and about Change…we’re doing this for the children. Plus California needs jobs, and my ground-breaking legislation will put hundreds of Californians back to work.”

Here's the link. Read the comments & note the date of article.