Much too big for my Atomic XR…

Beautiful creature! Didn't seem too concerned that you were there. Are black bear common in your area?
They are, I’ve been privileged to see them on my property over the years. They’ve never cause me any problems. Plus it was a harbinger of good news. I received my BRK Brocock Pathfinder XR today.
I've only seen two in my life, one nearly scared the you know what out of me. I was out scouting before deer season back in the 90's and took a break sitting on a rock outcropping eating lunch and listening to a rolling stones tape on my walkman. I kept getting a strange feeling and looked around. There was a large black bear just watching me from 12 feet behind and to my left. Only had a 22 handgun on me, it stayed in the holster, may as well walk up to him and slap his face than use the 22. I stood up slowly, left my lunch on the rocks, and slowly backed away from him. I got about 30 yards from him, and he walked right by the rock outcropping and dropped down the ridge on the other side. Guess he just didn't want to walk right by me when I was sitting. He didn't even pay my lunch any attention. I never walked back there without a hand cannon on me after that, over 1,000 acres the owner let me hunt free, only a 5 minute walk from my garage to get there. His son had permission to hunt there too, but he lived on the other side of the country and the owner didn't hunt. I miss the years I had with all those acres to hunt all by myself.