Multiple profiles for DNT OpticsZULUS HD 5-20X

I just discovered that there are multiple profiles for the DNT OpticsZULUS HD 5 - 20X. There are 26 profiles(A-Z) available. I’ve not seen that with any other night vision scope that I’ve owned. Maybe there other companies out there that offer night vision scopes with multiple profiles, but this Zulus is the only that has more than 5 profiles that I am aware of. I currently own a PARDnv007, PARD nv008, ATN X-Sight 4K, DNT Optics TNC225R, OWL NV400, AGM rattler TS25, Sig Sauer Echo 1, etc. At best, only 5 profiles are available. I actually bought two. TNC 225R’s so that I could use it on 10 different air rifles. In other words, you could own up to 26 airguns and could purchase this 1 scope, which could potentially meet your needs, and you could avoid purchasing multiple scopes. Of course, you would have to be satisfied with the image quality of the Zulus. I had not noticed any of the YouTube reviews mentioning this info. I just thought I would pass this information along for anyone interested.
Why 3, do you have 78 guns? :LOL:

I haven't found any scopes that I can unmount and remount that will consistently keep zero better than 1/2 MOA. If you are OK with 2 MOA there are many that can do that.
Realistically, for most people 2moa at 50yds is more than enough. Do we always want better? Yes, do we need it? Not really.
I have the Zulus 5-20. Does anybody know how I can switch the rangefinder from meters to yards?
I looked everywhere. I can’t seem to find that thank you.
Long press the down key/menu button, scroll over to Distance Unit and hit the Up key to enter it use the left or right key to highlight Y, once highlighted, hit the up key to save in yards. Any questions just ask.