Multiples of the same rifles

As someone who has only owned two proper air weapons (I’m not counting the weird pistol I had as a kid), I’m intrigued particularly by the number of posts I see saying I’ve had 6 or 7 of such and such a rifle. Whether that be a Pulsar, a Red Wolf, a Rapid etc.

I get wanting more air rifles, I’m here aren’t I? I just don’t think I’d go and buy 5 more Rapids.

Obviously it’s different strokes for different folks, I’m just interested in the thought process.
For me it comes down to a platform that fits me and is accurate. Right now the Ghost fits that bill and I have two of them. One is setup as a 30 cal (Specter) which I don't touch at all after getting it tuned to where I like it. (Competition rifle)

The other started off as a carbine 22, but now is a 177 HP. This Ghost (Buster) is my hunting rifle so I change calibers depending on what I will be hunting/pesting

Tony P.
Air rifles are like golf clubs. Each one fits a particular scenario. Playing 18 holes with only a driver would be a long game. Shooting only one air rifle would be boring for me. I usually bring a couple of pistols and three or four rifles when I go shooting over my friend's house.
I have two HW100 bullpups. One in .177 and one in .22. I love the platform and the simple, easy to use magazine system. Each weapon is tuned for a specific purpose. Some solve this issue by buying a weapon with interchangeable calibers like the FX, BRK Ghost, Epoch and other high end systems. I am happy with the convenience of just grabbing the rifle I want in the caliber I want without having to change barrels, fill probe, etc.
I think it mainly comes down to use case and not wanting to re zero or reconfigure a gun. Or alter its tune! I have one fx crown, and 4 barrels for it. 99 percent of the time I use the short 22 caliber barrel. I have mine setup where I don't have to alter the tune for anything. But I still don't like having to re zero it. All of my guns are different, 3 rifles, 6 pistols. 7/9 are pcp. Some low power, some medium, some high. Same with calibers.
Been doing that for many years, when I find a platform that I like I only have a bunch of the same rifle different calibers different tunes and different configurations.

Up to just a couple weeks back I had up to 12 Evanix in 2 platforms,.....I had even more in the past.

now selling them all to transition to Huben rifle and pistol ( same platform different configuration )
I have four similar Weihrauch 95 family gun's. They're three different calibers and three different stocks. Each has its charm.

I also have two177 Hw30s. One is scoped and one has peep sights. That gun is so fun it's worth having two of them with different sighting systems. Oh my wife has one as well.

Out of ten Weihrauchs I only use one of them for hunting because they all have different hold overs that change with pellet and magnification. I can barely remember the holdovers for the one rifle with a fixed power scope I use. It's fun to have lots of different guns to shoot but there's merit in only having one if you hunt.
Yeah, I have a couple of Ataman, AP16 Compact pistols (both .22). One is basically a spare parts for the other, if needed, because of the war in the Ukraine. Both are fine shooters.

I have two Air Arms, Galahads in .22, both the compact length. One has the black stock, one with the open wood stock.

I have two Daystate Pulsars, in .22, both are the HP, with regulator, compact version. Again, different stocks.

I have three AirMaks, Caimans, all in .22. Well, one is a Caiman X (slightly longer), the other two are the shorter Caimans. Again, different stocks. I modified the stock and vinyl wrapped one of the Caimans, so it looks a bit different than the other two.

So yeah, more than one, of more than one gun.

You can't have too many of some things...I used to have three more. The thumbhole is an earlier

model but same family...
I have 5 PCPs and 3 are SPA P35s. I bought the 25 caliber first. I would have preferred a 22 but the 25 was all Krale had when I ordered the first one. I like it so much I ordered the 22 and 177 as soon as Krale got them back in stock. I almost exclusively shoot them even though I like my Prod and Avenger. P35s are nicely short and light. The 22 and 177 are quite accurate, especially the 22. I got the 177 because I had no experience with a reasonably power 177. Pellets are cheaper and I get about 100 shots per fill with it. Kills squirrels well too - but not quite as well as the 22 and 25. I shoot from my left shoulder so there are a lot of bullpups I do not want because the magazine would be in my face. P35s have a flush fit magazine. I've made wood stocks for all three. Fun guns and under $500 (each). So 3 was no more than a lot of "nicer" PCPs.
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this has been a fun read . Interesting what and why people have what they have . I am i'm the pick up and shoot category . i would not like to tune b4 i wanted to shoot . Pick the gun , pick the pellet , pick the target , go shoot . would love to have more in the .20 caliber, just to make things interesting .