Nice! Carefully count your shots as to not damage that very effective TKO running it too low. I just put 50 pellets in a candy tin and once thats all gone time to change out to a fresh co2 and Alphabet org fluid (pellgun oil) may be as low as 40 shots to be safe though depends on what power you're shooting at.
Nice! Carefully count your shots as to not damage that very effective TKO running it too low. I just put 50 pellets in a candy tin and once thats all gone time to change out to a fresh co2 and Alphabet org fluid (pellgun oil) may be as low as 40 shots to be safe though depends on what power you're shooting at.
Really nice. Love those grips. The parts for my 2240 finally arrived then I realized I needed some more parts so now I'm waiting again. I can't wait to complete my project.