My first high end pcp. Kalibrgun Cricket .35

I just got the gun just a few hours ago. I've been tracking this gun all week and was hoping it would be here before I leave to visit my parents this weekend. Going to put this gun through its paces and will compare it to my mrod .25

comparing the cricket to the mrod. these were the highest rings I had on me. Need to get see how the gun feels with higher rings

this is my four shot group with my mrod.25 at 75 yards. ignore the shot on the left. that was the benjamin .25 domes. the mord can only shoot the benjamin domes to about 40 yards. I shot this group right before the sun was about to go down. Their was almost no wind. Three pellets in almost the same hole and then the fourth shot went low. I hooted and hollered so loud my wife came outside to see if I was ok
"wyshadow"The gun doesn't have a cheek rest on it. I want to see if I can make some sort of plastic mold to cover the top of the receiver or can I buy something that will work?
I think you can order a cheek rest. It comes with the other models of the cricket and I know for a fact that the .22 and .25 model cheek rests are interchangeable. Call AOA or any of the cricket distributors in your area. They should have one lying around since the earlier models of the cricket had this as an option. The later models in lower calibers came with the cheek rest as part of the package. 
Just to give you guys an idea of my parent's property. this is facing towards the west. I'm in the middle of the property. The property ends about 3/4 of a mile strait ahead. about 1.5 miles to the east. 2 miles to the south and about 1 mile to the north of where I took this picture. We have a prairie dog town 1/5 mile to the south. I got about 20 prairie dogs but only took pictures of just two. I figured one dog looked the same as the next dog.

My first dog with this gun

My first impressions of the Kalibrgun Cricket .35:
I received cricket just last week Thursday but I wasn't able to do anything with the gun except fire a couple dry fires and shoulder the gun. As soon as my wife left for work Friday morning, I took the gun out and started to work on putting a scope on. I dug through my gun closet and found several scope rings to try. This is my first bullpup; so I never understood why bullpup guns need high rings. With every gun I've owned, I always put my scope as low to the barrel without touching the barrel. After shouldering the gun with low rings, I couldn't even bring my eye in-line with the scope. So I had to settle with the highest rings I had on me and even these rings are still to low for me.
After tightening the scope to the gun, I took the gun outside to site it in. I aired the gun up and loaded the first mag. Loading pellets in the mag was very simple and easy to do. I think every gun should use the same principal. Once both mags were loaded, I noticed the pellets are held in very securely and would not make noise rattling around in your pocket which is a plus if you are stocking prey. The mrod's magazine would rattle in your pocket when you walk around.
I don't have any pictures of any pellet groups right now because I felt I needed more time with the cricket to get respectable groups. When I put the cricket in my rifle holder, I had to find the right spot for the gun. Firing the gun in the rifle rest was very uncomfortable. The fore end of the stock where you would normally hold the gun was position right on the front rest. The rear of gun was positioned in a manner where I had to reach around the rest to fire the gun, and then the scrunch rifle position on the picnic table all added to an uncomfortable shooting position. What I'll have to do is put in a sling stud in front of the stock and mount a bipod. use sand bags for the rear and I should get respectable groups. As for now, I was getting one hole groups at fifty yards and 1.5 inches at 75 yards.
Comparing the Mrod .25 to Cricket .35
Shouldering the Mrod .25 is just like shouldering every gun I had since I was little. A very natural feel. Before I shoulder the cricket, I never gave it much thought to holding a rifle. The cricket makes you hold the gun in a very scrunch up stance is the best I can describe it. The gun is held very close to you which makes it easy to maneuver. One thing I noticed about carrying the gun was when I had to go out back to the my shooting range. Walking out the back door holding the gun with one arm, my air tank strapped to my back, and opening the sliding door with my other arm was very easy to do. Almost every time I walked through the door with the Mrod, I would hit something with the tip of the gun or bang something with the tank. The biggest plus, and the main reason for buying this gun, is maneuvering the cricket inside a truck. The six inches really makes a big difference. (was going to add something but decided not to. HAHA)
I'm very impress with my Mrod .25. In most situations, I would say the Mrod can keep with the cricket. Obviously I would feel more comfortable with the Mrod since I've owned the gun for 2 years. I just need trigger time with the cricket. I only had the cricket three days now. The part I really noticed about the cricket is the shear power. I had to check over my back stop after I was done sighting in the gun at fifty yards which is something I never have done because I built my backstop with very strong materials.The trigger on the cricket is awesome. Very light and crisp. The trigger on the Mrod is nice too but the trigger on the cricket is amazing. Still getting use the cricket's trigger though. I wish the safety on the cricket was like the safety on the Mrod. The Mrod's safety is easy to put on safe and fire for my fat fingers. I had to be really careful with the cricket's safety. Trying to move the safety forward without touching the very light trigger took getting use to. I also didn't like the feel of the safety pin. Yes...the safety is a small metal pin which to me felt cheap. I think at this gun's price range, the gun should have a better safety but in the scheme of things, it's a small thing to fuss about.
I'm sure there is more things I haven't mentioned but its late. If you read through this, you must not had anything important to do. This is my first review and I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any questions or comments on the gun, let me know and I'll try my best to answer.
I was told this gun will shoot two mags which is 18 shots before needing a top off. I haven't shot the gun over chrony to get the numbers from shot to shot but it's on my to do list this week. When I took the gun on its first hunt, I would top it off after every mag or 9 shots. Another thing to note about this gun is it's heavy. Feels very sold and from just comparing the weight from holding both the mrod and cricket at the same time, the cricket does feel heavier even though the mrod has a bigger scope on it. If I get time and the opportunity, I will use the office's digital scale to get an accurate reading.
I tried to get some shot groups for different ranges. I first started out at 20 years but after the eighth shot, I noticed a mark on the wall that encloses our back yard. I made this box two years ago and it worked fine. had no problems but I will have to use 3/4 inch plywood with the backing doubled up. Maybe sandwich a metal plate in between the backing.