Please take a look at my first rat video. Hopefully more to come.
Please take a look at my first rat video. Hopefully more to come.
@backstop. Thanks for the support! I was shooting them between 5 - 30 yards. My HW100 was zeroed at 25 yards, so most of my shots were hold over with 2 full mil-dots for the really close one.
I went out tonight and got 17 in less than two hours, but with the fog coming in and out, I had to quit as the sight picture was foggy and unclear. I got a "Ratzilla" measuring head to tail at 19"! Just a heads up, my next video next week will be my Coyote#3.
@backstop. thanks for you reply. None of my permissions are paying gig as that would not be legal due to many restrictions. I am just happy to help out with the farmers with some of their problems. The reward is to have private properties to shoot and practice my AG. Glad you have a home range to shoot at. Not many people have places to go shoot unfortunately. I am very lucky indeed. More rats video to follow, lol.