Taipan My first Taipan Purchase

Been away from the airgun scene for awhile and just got back into it again, so many rifles to choose from these days, had a lot of air rifles over the years, owned pretty much all of the top tier brands but I always got rid of them for some reason or another and seemed to only keep the bullet proof, easy to work on, practical and functioning air rifles like my Ataman's and Jsar raptors which I still have.. my atamans are still holding air and functioning after 3yrs of shooting and wear and tear, never replaced an o-ring yet except for the fill probes. After searching for the last week and getting overwhelmed with all the new stuff out these days I decided to go with a Taipan Veteran 2 from Talon Tunes, I have never owned one before and always wanted one but never purchased one over the years, had a friend on here swear by them and really never heard anything negative about them. can't wait to get it and try it out, hopefully its a slug shooter too
Taipan Veteran 2 700 LR.jpg
Taipan Veteran 2 700 LR.jpg
You'll enjoy the Vet. I got the 500mm version from Tony for my son for Xmas! He really likes the gun after poping a squirrel in the head at 109 yards! I have 2 Vet 2s in .22 (with the ugly bottle) and as @actionpistol said "they love jsb KOs"
I’m sure I’ll love it, I was checking the bottle versions out but I just think they are ugly lol, the tube versions are just better looking
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Congrats on your sweet new Taipan. I've been so happy with my original Vets that it's hard to get excited about newer airguns. Especially when reading about issues that many other manufacturers have . When I decide to get a .22 cal slugger it will definitely be a newer Taipan. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy mine .

A little of Taipans history from their website. https://www.taipan-airguns.com/about-us

Taipan is secured by the Czech company BULLET PROJECT s.r.o. The idea of producing our own air rifle was born during a meeting with two aeronautical engineers from Kiev. It is also worth mentioning that one of them was in the development team of the legendary Antonov aircraft. Shooting is our greatest hobby and the construction of our own air rifle was our dream. The development took four years and each component was thoroughly researched and designed.

Taipans leave the Czech Republic with their own ID card and a target with grouping on 40 meters. The company is standing by its rifles and staff. The proof is that in each piece you will find the name of a man who has tested it.

If you have ever shot or handled the Taipan Veteran, you know how well-made and accurate it is. Although we were more than happy with the reception and results the Taipan Veteran received, we didn’t want to rest on our laurels. As the time moves on, so does technology and trends in the airgun world. That is why we got to work and now it is time to introduce to you the latest iteration of the Taipan – the Veteran II.
Ya it doesn’t have a choked barrel, I guess I’ll be going down that slug rabbit hole again lol, ordered some 23g patriots and some knockouts for now, probably going to put in big order at NSA too 😆

My Vet 1 uses the .216 diameter slugs . I use .2175 for my Maverick , next ones will be .218" , and they are too hard to chamber in the Vet. I wouldn't buy a bunch until you know your bore size . NSA helped me out on the correct size .
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Ya it doesn’t have a choked barrel, I guess I’ll be going down that slug rabbit hole again lol, ordered some 23g patriots and some knockouts for now, probably going to put in big order at NSA too 😆
I have a Vet 2 700mm barrel in .22. Two slugs that have worked incredibly well are 25gr H&N HP .218 head size and Zan 23gr .218 head size. Shooting them around 945 fps is giving me a group I can cover with a penny at 50 yrds. Good luck, these Taipan's are excellent shooters.
My Vet 1 uses the .216 diameter slugs . I use .2175 for my Maverick , next ones will be .218" , and they are too hard to chamber in the Vet. I wouldn't buy a bunch until you know your bore size . NSA helped me out on the correct size .
I bought a bunch of different brands of slugs, all .217 for now and see how they do, bought some patriot 23g, JSB knockouts, ZAN 28g and some Altaro 31g.
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I would read about what slugs others are having good luck with and start there . Ocdairgunner posted above with some good information and it sounds like. 218 diameter works well in the Vet 2 . The 217s might group ok but you should have a proper fit especially with slugs, imo. You should have a excellent slug shooter, from what I've read.

I keep my Vet 1 standard shooting pellets because that's what it was made for . And it's great at what it does . My little .177 Vet compact just so happens to like 10gr slugs so by sheer luck I got a airgun that does pellets and slugs well . The new Vet 2s have the power and un-chokeed barrels for slugs and sounds like they shoot pellets good also . Have fun 👍
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