Southwest Airgunners (guy named Rex owns all the targets, the "club" is a pretty loose organization) puts them on just over the border into New Mexico from Alpine Arizona. AMAZING matches!!! Very remote though. Only 3 a year: 2nd weekend of May, June, July. And I asked him if he's planning the same for this next year and he said yes. There's a standing open invite to anybody interested. Plan on camping. Here's a match report from last May.
I've been highly anticipating another Aspen Mtn match since the last one, back in July of 2021. Well, just got home from the first one of this season and man, was it a blast!!! I arrived in the early afternoon of Thursday to find 4 or 5 shooters/campers already there. I hadn't seen some of...
Very similar matches are held just south of Flagstaff, AZ, put on by the same Airgunners of Arizona club you shot with earlier this week. Many of the same crowd compete at the summer matches "up north" near Flagstaff.
Check out the match results on their website, click on a June-October match to see reports from "pine tree" courses.