Huben My GK1 micro carbine work in progress

Looks so light and sweet handling. Definitely liking how you have it set up. I bet it handles as good as it looks… Your micro carbine is a great example of this new designation. Carbine, mini carbine, micro carbine? 🫡
Yes, my thought as well. Micro-carbine. I like it.
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I started with a pic rail folding stock but, didn't like the lack of adjustments in both height and length. Now, I can adjust the length and, have three height adjustments at the pic rail to buffer adapter.

I started with a pic rail buffer adapter from A3 Tactical (I forget what weapon it was for) for a template then, machined to my liking and fit. I doubt it's up to some (including my own) standards but, I'm still working on refinements.
That’s superb, awesome job!

Would you mind sharing some more pictures of the adapter itself? How is it mounted? I assume with the 2 original backplate screws?
And did you machine a whole new adapter or modified the original adapter? Thanks!
How would you compare a leshiy to the gk1 for pesting/squirelling?
I dont have the gk1 but having the leshiy classic it's an amazin compact and quiet shooter, from what I have heard of the leshiy 2 it's much louder and not as accurate at the classic. So if the gk1 is more like the leshiy classic but in semi, I would pick the gk1. Specially when talking about shot count with power.
I dont have the gk1 but having the leshiy classic it's an amazin compact and quiet shooter, from what I have heard of the leshiy 2 it's much louder and not as accurate at the classic. So if the gk1 is more like the leshiy classic but in semi, I would pick the gk1. Specially when talking about shot count with power.
Do you still have your leshiy classic for sale?
I am confused ? why did you buy a pistol if you wanted a carbine ?

I see your point and agree... it's pretty straightforward and rational. But also consider this.... Why do any of us take on a project? It's not always for the end product, but also for the enjoyment and challenge of getting there. Troubleshoot fix.... troubleshoot fix..... :).

He wanted a pistol and then wanted the *challenge* and 'cool' factor of creating a carbine stock for it.
I'm putting these two here for perspective:



(This of course only makes sense for fixed-barrel locked-breech systems, as far as firearms are concerned; the accuracy and power wouldn't be there otherwise, to make it worthwile)
That’s superb, awesome job!

Would you mind sharing some more pictures of the adapter itself? How is it mounted? I assume with the 2 original backplate screws?
And did you machine a whole new adapter or modified the original adapter? Thanks!
I can't PM anyone yet so, if you provide me with an email you want me to use, I wouldn't mind sending you any pictures and information you'd like.
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That’s superb, awesome job!

Would you mind sharing some more pictures of the adapter itself? How is it mounted? I assume with the 2 original backplate screws?
And did you machine a whole new adapter or modified the original adapter? Thanks!
Forgot I had some of these pics handy. Enjoy!













I worked on this dual Picatinny today. I think it will work fine, but I will probably get a solid mount in place of this foldaway hinge thingy & just use a wing nut to remove stock from Picatinny, as this Midwest hinge thing is way too hard to unlatch. I read they were, but I had to try. Not sure yet but my homemade stock might be better for me, will take some use. I am also not convinced that having a stock secured in only one place is a good idea. My homemade one is fastened to the bottom of the GK1 grip and receiver endcap. Way stronger & secure.

