My hunt for coyote #10 begins


Jul 15, 2018
BC, Canada
It's that time again where I am attempting to hunt for my coyote #10. The farmer had told me the coyote activities have picked up again so I setup my trail cam to monitor them. I found out they were coming to the pit much earlier now, around 6pm. My trail cam had captured some footages of at least 4 coyotes.

I did some zero checking of my FX Impact MK2 shooting the H&N 25gr gen2 slugs. Everything is checked out and I just have to plan out an evening to ambush these coyotes. Hopefully I will be lucky enough to encounter one soon.


I hope it works out. I recently discovered my Caiman X likes H&N slugs. I'd use my P35 in 25 if I got a chance at a coyote. I could get similar fpe out of the 22 caliber Caiman but I have more confidence in a 34 grain 25 pellet. The 25 grain H&N slug shoots well in my Caiman but I'd need to raise the regulator to get it shooting more like your Impact.
Last year I eliminated 13 or 14 raccoons. At the end of last year I took out whole family. The mother came by first and visited the dump. A few days later a group of four younger siblings visited. They all ranged in size from 7 to 12 lb. Eliminated them in 2 sessions separated by about 2 hours. These young ones aren't too smart. The first session one sibling goes down 2 run off immediately and 1 hung around wondering what happened to its brother or sister. During that time it was wondering it got lead poisoning. 2 hours later the other two returned. One got eliminated the same thing happened the other one stood around looking what happened and it got lead poisoning as well. It's something to behold seeing 2 doing the death dance at the same time twice!

I'm compassionate and reunified the family at the local dump.

Since the start of 2025 I already have taken out 2 in january.
This male was pretty healthy.

We have a bunch of coyotes in my area, the fools living here are "ohhhh they are so beautiful, we live in their area...blah blah blah" then they beech about Spike or Fluffy becoming a meal. I'm busy trying to trap a darn skunk, the darn thing refuses to trip the traps. I've gotten 3 Opossums, I really didn't want to get them but oh well. The only reason for the skunk is my dumb American Cocker barked at it, you can guess the results, thankfully it wasn't too bad. Turn out that skunks eat black widow spiders.

Addendum: Scratch two skunks one was a big ol' fat one, one much younger and skinner. Cost a small fortune to get rid of these 5 critters but...oh well such is life in the wilds of semi-suburbia. Now the pooch can go outside and not get skunked.
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