In a nutshell - Molly (my dog ) and I set out to one of my farm permissions as I recently discovered a nice big field near one of the farmers other properties. He's given me permission to do pretty much whatever I want - cool! I wanted to get the .25 ranged out to 150 - 160 yds and mark up the top turret. That done we were going to cut out and leave as we had been there for about an hour or so and the bugs / flies, mosquitoes, etc . . . . were *REALLY* starting to get on my nerves and painfully chowing down on my legs. It was *windy* too . . . 10-15mph, left to right. I decided spur of the moment that I was going to run the last target - the furthest one with the 8" splatter target on it - all the way out to the far side of the field just for the hell of it. ( I asked Molly what she thought of the idea but she declined to answer - she just wagged her tail and wanted to go run back out in the field ) So we did. I had no idea how far it was going to be but suspected that we could possibly be pushing 300'ish yards. 291 is what it wound up being.
My strelok is generally pretty good / close at getting me in the ball park on the verticals (elevation). All day on this outing it was telling me way to much on the l-r holds for wind. I wound up (basically) using 50%-75% of what it might tell me for a given range. So - for this one @291 yards - it had me dial up 168 clicks. With my scope - a Blackhound 6-24x50 - that would be 3 full turns plus another 18 clicks. Strelok was telling me almost 4 mil of hold off to the left (3.9). First shot I only held off 2 - didn't even hit it near as I could tell. Second shot I held off 3 - Booyah!! "Holy poop!" I'm saying to myself . . .
Damned flies / bugs are biting the hell outta me now and I'm actually getting PO'd about 'em because they are creating quite the distraction. I "quickly" send shots 3 & 4 and near as I can tell - no impact.
I'm done though - the damned bugs win. It wasn't until I got to with 30 or 40 yards of the thing when I did see a second strike on it. No clue when that was ( shot 1, 3 or 4 ) I'd wager 3 or 4 as I know for a fact I only held off 2 on shot #1 - but who knows. I wouldn't mind going back up there and trying this again on a non-windy day.
First pic - overall scene from my little shooting table - you can't even see the target
Second pic - a zoomed in version of the 1st
Third pic - self explanatory
My strelok is generally pretty good / close at getting me in the ball park on the verticals (elevation). All day on this outing it was telling me way to much on the l-r holds for wind. I wound up (basically) using 50%-75% of what it might tell me for a given range. So - for this one @291 yards - it had me dial up 168 clicks. With my scope - a Blackhound 6-24x50 - that would be 3 full turns plus another 18 clicks. Strelok was telling me almost 4 mil of hold off to the left (3.9). First shot I only held off 2 - didn't even hit it near as I could tell. Second shot I held off 3 - Booyah!! "Holy poop!" I'm saying to myself . . .
First pic - overall scene from my little shooting table - you can't even see the target
Second pic - a zoomed in version of the 1st
Third pic - self explanatory