Western Airguns My Mordax set-up

I recently received a Handguard for my Western Mordax .22 from [email protected] who offers this set-up in the Classified Section of this website. I really like the quality of his rail (all aluminum construction) and the fit is perfect. I fitted it with a Holosun ACSS Vulcan w/ Chevron reticle and a Osprey Global Battlegrip Laser/Flashlight Combo.

This is an awesome set-up for close in rabbit hunting! Lots of fun!
Mordax right.jpeg
Mordax Left.jpeg
Mordax sight.jpeg
Mordax Moderator.jpeg

Here is my setup. Just got this thing on Saturday and love it. I got the stock extender for it. Helps a lot. Put a donnyFL Ronan to quite the bark down. I have a MTC copperhead scope mounted up. I was considering getting that lower handguard/rail but would not be able to mount a scope on it properly. At least from what I can tell anyway. Went ahead and just put an adhesive pad on the air cylinder just to protect it if I rest it on something. I did tune it just a bit. Have it shooting .22 JSB 18 grains at right about 800fps. Have not messed with the reg yet.

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