My Next Gun Should Be a….

Buy a .177, .22, .25, and a .30. Tune once.


Heck, I'd be inclined to just grab a Leshiy Classic. Easiest barrel swaps there are, and tuning is also very easy. You can carry a buddy-bottle and be fine for many many many shots. It also is superlative shooting freehand. I only bagged mine when swapping scopes.

Otherwise- and I know this may contradict some of what people are looking for- my 2nd Gen Fortitude is my premiere pesting gun. I leave it at the factory tune, get lots of shots, and it is dirt cheap.

Otherwise, I'd lean in the direction of an RTI Priest or Prophet. I have done commercial pesting specializing in avian abatement, and at the time, we used an R-7 and a Blue Streak pumper- yeah, both in .20. I wish I had a PCP back then.
I have a "change-a-caliber" gun. I don't use that feature. Get a gun that will do the work that needs to be done. Get a different gun for a different work profile. You can't just slap a .177 barrel onto a .30 action and expect everything to be roses without re-doing the tune and balances.

Ever think about how a surgeon uses specific tools and never uses a Leatherman multi tool to work on his patients? 

Ahhh, you haven’t met the guy who worked on my cervical spine…