Umarex My Notos first impressions

This has very likely been done before, Notos seems to be a quite popular beginner gun, but I figure I would put my little review on it.

So, first off let me state that this is my second PCP airgun, my first being an Aveng-X. That is to say I do not have much experience with them, but I do have plenty of experience with fire arms in general. With that out of the way, let's start.

Pros first off.
The gun is very light, way lighter then my Aveng-X and lighter then all of my rifles I own.
Very consistent FPS. Out of 15 shots I got a SD of 2 and an extreme spread of 6.
Very accurate (with the right weight pellet).
Collapsible stock.
Tank fills very quickly. I have a compressor and it takes less then a min to get it from off the reg to full. I'm sure it would be quite easy to hand pump as well.
Cocking lever. I really though I would hate this. First, it is on the wrong side. This turned out ok because the gun is so light. And second, it is flush with the gun. I though this would give me problems grabbing it. Not the case though. It pops out when you touch the detent between the gun and the lever, making it very easy to use it.
Great aftermarket support.
Quite cheap compared to other PCPs.

And now some cons.
The trigger is awful. Even after adjusting it, it really just doesn't feel good.
The safety. I never liked crossbolt safeties and having a crossbolt safety in the trigger is worse yet.
Needing tools to remove the stock. This would make for a great backpack gun if the stock was ether easily removable/attachable or had a folding stock (from factory). Also, for whatever reason they do not supply an allen key to attach it.
Non-removable modulator. Much like the the stock, this would make for a great backpack gun if you could remove the modulator.
Shot count. I get 17 shots before being off reg. Granted, I did increase the HS +2 CW. The green bar on the gague is a lie.
You need to remove the stock to change the HS.
The mags are bad (see pic below).
Not the greatest in the power department.

Although I put a lot of cons up there, most of them are not really that bad. Just kind of nit picks that I would like changed. A lot of the cons can be remidied though aftermarket parts. The only ones that really bother me is, the shot count (I plan on getting an aftermarket plenum), the mags (also plan on getting aftermarket ones), and the trigger. Overall I think it is a great gun. Definitely would recommend it, at least so far we will see how it holds up.

And here are some pictures of targets:
Here is the difference using the single shot tray vs using the mag (5 shot groups). Quite a difference if you ask me.


Here is Crossman Hollowpoints and H&N Barracuda Hunter Extremes (using the shot tray). I did shoot some Hades as well, sorry I didn't take a pic of them. They did slightly better then the BHEs. I also shot some JTS Dead Center 25gr, but they were so bad it wasn't even worth taking a picture. I feel like it just doesn't have the power for 25gr pellets.
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Relative to power, the Notos has more than my Prod (even though I've tuned the Prod up to 16-18 fpe) and I've taken 17 squirrels with my Prod. For trajectory reasons it would be nice to have a little more velocity but for pesting I would think the Notos is fine. Target Forge was working on a trigger modification, I don't know if that ever got finished.
The trigger can be improved dramatically with some work on the sear assembly if you are adapt at that kind of thing?? I took mine from over 5# to a 2 1/2# second stage which is very good. It's not a match trigger by any means, but is fine for plinking and hunting.
I am thinking about doing this. I don't have any experience doing trigger work. I heard that if you screw it up you can mess up the trigger engagement. I do plan on messing with it but it will be the last thing I do.
I have shot some of the 15gr Hades threw it. I only had like 5 left so I wasn't able to get a good idea if they were any good or not. I do have more coming in the mail.
Relative to power, the Notos has more than my Prod (even though I've tuned the Prod up to 16-18 fpe)
I can only speak to my experience. And that is Notos vs Aveng-X. I realize this isn't really a fair comparison in terms of power. I'm getting 20fpe (with the hunter extremes 18.52gr; 698fps) at the moment, which is fine. But the Aveng-X can do just about double that. Don't get the wrong idea of me liking the Aveng-X more, just in power they are miles apart.
Overall I'm ok with the power it produces but I was hoping to get 22-25fpe out of the little guy. It's not a huge diffrence from what I want to what I got, which is why it is the lowest on the list of cons.
I may mess with the regulator down the line. I really don't want too, at least not until I get a larger plenum to increase the shot count.
Get yourself a Carm magazine or two. So much better, I hate the stock mags! FWIW, I have not touched the hammer spring on either of my noto's guns and I get about 20-22 shots before hitting the reg.
I was looking at the Maple mags, they get recommended quite frequently. I would get Carm but oversea shipping takes forever.
I can do 19 good shots but the last couple will be off the reg. It is likely because I changed the HS but I did so to increase the power a bit more (+2 cw on the HS gave me +10fps).
The plan is to buy a plenum kit from c88machining on ebay, which is said to increases the shot count. I might do a little review on that after I get it.
Good review. My bet is that they’ll release a successor for $75-$100 more that will incorporate improvements-hopefully ones like yours and others.
Would that be the Zelos? I was just watching something (YouTube prob) that was tagged Notos so I was watching that and the UX rep demo'd the Zelos as the step up... $599 I believe was the price point on the basic model.
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Would that be the Zelos? I was just watching something (YouTube prob) that was tagged Notos so I was watching that and the UX rep demo'd the Zelos as the step up... $599 I believe was the price point on the basic model.
I saw a video on youtube about the Zelos. It does not seem like a successor to the Notos, as much as they seem to be trying to market it that way. It is a bullpup and is quite large (compared to the Notos). It will likely be fine but it really doesn't have much in common with the Notos.
The Notos is a pretty interesting rifle. For under $300 you get a LOT of rifle. I have two, and both are scary accurate. The trigger is fairly easy to tune, but requires judicious stoning. I bought an extra sear to prototype with and it can be done well. It will never be a match trigger, but it can be very decent. I doubt you'll see an improved version because this one hits the mark in spades. A removable moderator would cost money, a power increase would cost shot count, and adding a bottle would add weight. Everything is a tradeoff. You mod it the way you want. This could be the 10/22 of the airgun world.
the Notos is a great little gun once you work the bugs out, very Modifiable, there's more aftermarket parts available now to customize your Notos,
mine gets over 300 shots per fill at 783fps shooting JSB Hades. Carm 12 shot mag and 500cc 4500psi bottle 3200psi regulator
trigger works great if you round off the sharp point on the setting screw.

here's the one I made for my brother
300cc 4500psi bottle adjustable regulator, his got 789 with Crosman domes

I am thinking about doing this. I don't have any experience doing trigger work. I heard that if you screw it up you can mess up the trigger engagement. I do plan on messing with it but it will be the last thing I do.
I have shot some of the 15gr Hades threw it. I only had like 5 left so I wasn't able to get a good idea if they were any good or not. I do have more coming in the mail.

I can only speak to my experience. And that is Notos vs Aveng-X. I realize this isn't really a fair comparison in terms of power. I'm getting 20fpe (with the hunter extremes 18.52gr; 698fps) at the moment, which is fine. But the Aveng-X can do just about double that. Don't get the wrong idea of me liking the Aveng-X more, just in power they are miles apart.
Overall I'm ok with the power it produces but I was hoping to get 22-25fpe out of the little guy. It's not a huge diffrence from what I want to what I got, which is why it is the lowest on the list of cons.
I may mess with the regulator down the line. I really don't want too, at least not until I get a larger plenum to increase the shot count.

I was looking at the Maple mags, they get recommended quite frequently. I would get Carm but oversea shipping takes forever.
I can do 19 good shots but the last couple will be off the reg. It is likely because I changed the HS but I did so to increase the power a bit more (+2 cw on the HS gave me +10fps).
The plan is to buy a plenum kit from c88machining on ebay, which is said to increases the shot count. I might do a little review on that after I get it.
22-25fpe can easily be done with the notos. get a plenum and open up all ports. take some metal off from behind the hammer spring adjuster screw as well so you can back it farther out if you want less power. if you talk sweet whispers to it, you might get some love and it will give you 27.6 fpe with those 25 grain dead center pellets like mine does. the hammer spring tensioning screw mod also lets me go all the way down to 16fpe with 14.3 cphp. just whisper sweet nothings to it when you’re alone.. it won’t hurt anyone 😃
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Thanks everyone for the advice. I just ordered some maple mags (10 shot mags), I'm getting tired of single loading it. It really sucks that such a great gun comes with such a bad mag.
I'll likely get the upgraded plenum next.

the Notos is a great little gun once you work the bugs out, very Modifiable, there's more aftermarket parts available now to customize your Notos,
mine gets over 300 shots per fill at 783fps shooting JSB Hades. Carm 12 shot mag and 500cc 4500psi bottle 3200psi regulator
trigger works great if you round off the sharp point on the setting screw.
I saw a few Notos with that bottle kit and I am interested in it. I was wondering how much weight it adds to the gun. I would like to keep the gun as light as I can.
If I do change to bottle it won't be for a little while. I honestly am short on cash atm, I'm assuming that is a $100+ investment.
I've added a 380mm fx stx superior liner and the c88 machining plenum and fx barrel adapter kit. Adjusted the regulator to 150bar/2175psi and set the hammer screw about 1¾turns in from factory setting. I'm shooting jts 16.08/fx15.9 @ 781. Drop block and 2200 psi output regulator on a 360cc bottle is next. Let me know how those CARM Mags perform. I prefer single loading over the stock magazine (2nd shot dumper while loading mechanism). I find it wild that the buck rail moderator is the ONLY mod I have that hushed the bark. tatsu, "fx", and tanto dfl's did nothing.

Thanks everyone for the advice. I just ordered some maple mags (10 shot mags), I'm getting tired of single loading it. It really sucks that such a great gun comes with such a bad mag.
I'll likely get the upgraded plenum next.

I saw a few Notos with that bottle kit and I am interested in it. I was wondering how much weight it adds to the gun. I would like to keep the gun as light as I can.
If I do change to bottle it won't be for a little while. I honestly am short on cash atm, I'm assuming that is a $100+ investment.
it only added 3oz with the 500cc Carbon fiber bottle, a 300cc would probably be equal to a stock Notos
Maple mags just came in. Only shot two loads so far (20 pellets), so a little first impressions of those.

In terms of looks, not the greatest. They are clearly 3d printed. I expected this and as someone that 3d prints things all the time it does not bother me much. There are parts that you can see some layer lines and some light roughness where the supports were taken off. The construction itself seems good. Nothing flimsy about them.
If you are buying them expecting them to be shiny and made with injected plastic, you will be disappointed.
The "shots to empty" indicator is just a small dot that moves. Not very visible. Better then the nothing you get from factory but I will likely paint a better indicator on them myself.

For me looks don't matter as long as they work. And in that department they are fantastic.
Pellets easily drop into the mags and don't fall out the back (front?), even though I loaded it with the smallest pellets I have (which I normally have to be careful they don't fall out the front (back?)).
Unlike the factory mags I never felt like I had to force the lever to go back in, pellets go in very smooth.
I haven't shot them much yet but they seem to be more accurate then factory. Could just be placebo effect though.

One thing to note on loading pellets into it. They do not load the same way as factory.
For these you drop in a pellet, then wind it to the next slot. For factory you must wind it up, then drop in a pellet. These mags you must hold and fight the spring resistance as you load it, unlike factory where the first pellet holds the spring back.
This is not as big a deal as it seems. It takes very little effort to hold it in place, the spring is very light even when loading the last one. This way seems to put less force on the pellets when it goes onto the next. Also makes loading a partially empty mag easier.

Remember this is a very early impression of these. If any problems do happen with these I will post something. But so far they are looking good.
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Phoenix Cow,

Great review.

The Only thing preventing me from recommending to friends as a first PCP is the &*%$#^ magazines. Mine did not function. The replacement Maple magazines functioned without a hitch. You'd think by now Umarex would've gotten the memo.
If you haven't already done so, take a look at Firewalkers mod's to the Noto's.

Compared to the PRod that I had, the construction of the Notos feels pretty cheap.
