Hello guys!
In the next few months I plan to test and maybe make a review on the following Airguns, with one goal in mind: Participate in the big 3 benchrest events in USA, meaning RMAC, PAC and EBR. Focus in 100Y
- FX IMPACT (easy got one and I will start trying to give an honest review with that one)
- RAW HM1000X
What do you think? I know there is no BEST or PERFECT airgun for 100y bench, but I am looking for one that fits better my style. Would love to read your thoughts on it:
Caliber? Barrel? Other airguns I have missed and I should test? Let's imagine money is not an issue, what will you choose and why? Thanks for your help to all.
You forgot the Taipan Veteran Long and UragánAlthough, no one is perfect![]()
How about a Crown in 30 trim Ed? I know its not on your list but I have a Impact also in 30 but the Crown will edge it out in accuracy. Not sure if just because of the feel/ergonomics or if it's just more accurate. I've owned a several guns over the years including the HMX1000 25 but the Crown is the most accurate that I've ever owned. Just a thought..
It seems to me the RAW is made for benchrest, if that is your focus. The Impact's tunabilty is gives it a bump beyond everyone else. The JSARs are really getting some shining in review lately. Too many good guns out there.
With long range you would be using slugs?
I agree on Uragan and Veteran. My .25 Veteran does a great job with NSA slugs. Impact has a history of supporting slugs with easy barrel changes. RTI did well at the bench rest but I'd wait to see them release a specific long range slug barrel option before going in that direction.
Might be a bit late for my opinion as Edosan is all set already , but I just found out about this topic
Regarding RAW, RAW's are built like a tank, but they have some major drawbacks for me personally.
One thing on the RAW what I absolutely didn't like was the ancient hammer and valve design.
The hammer weighs in at almost 90 grams, and you can definitely feel that big lump of metal travelling forward when pulling the trigger. It is not very beneficial for the lock time of the hammer strike to say the least...
Because of that, I found the shot cycle of mine to be restless, and hold sensitive too.
Another no go for me is the usage of double hammer springs, but fortunately my 30 cal had a single one. If the valve design would be better, a 90 gram hammer with some really stiff springs wouldn't be necessary. Also the regulators aren't the most reliable ones, mine ate O-rings for breakfast.
Now if they only would improve on that, it might be one of the better bench guns out there.
The trigger is one of the better ones around, and they are built like a tank.