My Rocket Challenges Your Fastest Projectile! Even Some of Your PB's!

The equation you need is a=(1/2 x V^2)/s

Where a= acceleration in ft/sec^2
V = muzzle velocity (feet/sec)
s = barrel length (feet)

Example:. my R9 with a 16 inch barrel has a MV of 900 fps with a certain pellet

a = (1/2 x 900 x 900) / 1.333 feet = 304,510 ft/sec^2 or 9,460 g's

Hope this helps
That will only give the average acceleration, the peak will be much higher depending on the gas flow into the barrel. The peak will have a very low duration.

A springer simulation for a 12FPE springer suggested a peak acceleration of around 22,000 g's.
You can still get fireworks here, though it will probably be banned soon.

Not that long ago you could also buy a rocket with like 5-600 grams of load, today the max are 79 grams
Anyway, amateur rocketry, like even the smallest Estes A motor,,,,,, never been legal here

The load change, well happened after a fireworks warehouse,,, intelligently put in a residential area blew up..
You can still get fireworks here, though it will probably be banned soon.

Not that long ago you could also buy a rocket with like 5-600 grams of load, today the max are 79 grams
Anyway, amateur rocketry, like even the smallest Estes A motor,,,,,, never been legal here

The load change, well happened after a fireworks warehouse,,, intelligently put in a residential area blew up..
Do you live in North Korea?
Do you live in North Korea?
No Denmark, but it is a place that do like flirting with socialist core values, and i have to admit compared to the old socialist / communist states of history, well we got them beaten on most fronts, actually it is a bit scary to realize..
And to top it off we are in the inner most group of Americans very best friends,,,,,, though here i do think they are just stringing us along as useful fools.
I do use GPS as well as a doppler radio tracker. When flying above 5000', you are above the "surface winds" and the winds up there can be 90 or 180 degrees shifted. I had my girlfriend with me at one launch and we were trying to track the 3" Exocet that just went to 9000' feet. The location on the GPS app showed a spot I swore was impossible, and that it was just showing the nearest cell tower (its backup method for location). She kept telling me to go there and I kept telling her to stop being stupid. EVERY SINGLE rocket drifted to the southwest that day and that's where I was trying to find it. We gave up after an hour and drove back to the launch site. There was a squad car there and a female cop was pulling my rocket out of the back seat! It had landed exactly where the GPS showed, of course. One mile due EAST in someone's front yard.
liability ins. ?