My Shooting Table Canopy Got Hit With Graffiti Yesterday

The blue canopy of the pop-up over my 25 yard shooting table finally gave up the ghost in last week's high winds, after over 20 years of service. I know that replacements can be purchased, but they are costly for what you get, and I don't need the quick set-up/take-down feature on this one any more. So I replaced it by zip-tying some white fence fabric onto the frame. I left the one side long, on the side where most of the sun shines in, and cut out some wind vents to take a little of the wind-load off the structure and cover.

A couple of weeks ago I bought a new set of paint pens for my wife, she had a friend over yesterday, and I guess that one thing just led to another. If they had given their creation some red hair, I think she would look just like a young Lucille Ball. And boy, she sure flaps her gums when the wind blows!😁
