My tomato thief offed himself

I have never seen a smart possum and never seen a fast one either.I capture them and bring them over the bridge, Raccoons on the other hand are not nice, not slow, and pretty smart, and way more destructive, they snarl at me, they do not make it across the bridge. Skunks, what a pain,I do not kill them,, but trying to get them out of the cage is scary, my cousin told me they can not lift their tails high enough to squirt while in the cage, they sure try,I try to talk to them and will put a blanket on the cage and then take them to cross the bridge,I never made it to the bridge, Skunks stink no matter what,I made it 3 blocks then pulled over and let him out, the trip is he looked back at me and smiled,I was touched by his gesture. Now I have a hard time capturing animals,so many possums I got 7 in 6 days....The moral of my story, make sure when you buy a cage trap you buy one with 2 doors! I hate ticks, they are everywhere, always have to check my clothes and body when I am out in "nature" Little deer Ticks are the bad ones,I know 3 people who got tick disease,it is a bad thing,you have to take care of it Fast.
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I think that's what they're called. Not sure, but they have too many ticks for me to even mess with them. Unless they're a giant, then I might cook it up.

That's also one of the worst parts of deer hunting is all the ticks that crawl out of them after they realize the host is dead.
You ever trap beavers? Their fur is covered with fleas.
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He would win an academy award for best method actor ever to live with that smell! He's stinking up my yard from the trash can. Thankfully it goes out tonight.
Just an aside . . . when Jesus came to the tomb of his good friend Lazarus and said, "Take ye away the stone." But Matha, the sister of Lazarus said, "Lord, by this time he stinketh; for he hath been dead four days!"

Stinking is a sure sign he daid! :cool:
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I think that's what they're called. Not sure, but they have too many ticks for me to even mess with them. Unless they're a giant, then I might cook it up.

That's also one of the worst parts of deer hunting is all the ticks that crawl out of them after they realize the host is dead.
@Dr. Kralenstein If you want to see warbles or verify if they're what you think they are, click this link. This is graphic and they're fugly looking, so be warned
If you find parasites extremely bothersome, hunting may not be for you. I know it's enough to keep most women I know at bay (No I'm not calling you a woman). The external ones I can deal with once I know what I'm dealing with. I don't want to deal with internal parasites, but for me it's all a part of taking life and eating what you take. Now I'm not the guy that's gonna go full-on Esau and throw an animal over my shoulders and around my neck. I deal with enough flea and tick bites as it is.

Gross and weird. You'd think they'd drown with how much the beaver is in the water.
I thought similarly. Messed me up when I learned that they survive on partially water-dwelling mammals.
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Gross and weird. You'd think they'd drown with how much the beaver is in the water.
The water never reaches the beavers skin because of the oily nature of fur. (One reason Beaver fur coats are so shiny and beautiful, and are great winter time insulating coats for men and women) The fleas roam around on the beaver's skin.
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The water never reaches the beavers skin because of the oily nature of fur. (One reason Beaver fur coats are so shiny and beautiful, and are great winter time insulating coats for men and women) The fleas roam around on the beaver's skin.
That makes total sense now. I forgot they're basically water proof. They still need oxygen though lol.
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@Dr. Kralenstein If you want to see warbles or verify if they're what you think they are, click this link. This is graphic and they're fugly looking, so be warned
If you parasites extremely bothersome hunting may not be for you. I know it's enough to keep most women I know at bay (No I'm not calling you a woman). The external ones I can deal with once I know what I'm dealing with. I don't want to deal with internal parasites, but for me it's all a part of taking life and eating what you take. Now I'm not the guy that's gonna go full-on Esau and throw an animal over my shoulders and around my neck. I deal with enough flea and tick bites as it is.

I thought similarly. Messed me up when I learned that they survive on partially water-dwelling mammals.
No, the parasites don't bother me, but it's still nasty to deal with. They don't freak me out or anything. I was busy always told not to eat rabbits until after the frost to "kill the worms in their necks". So it just stuck with me.

Those look like bot fly larvae.
No, the parasites don't bother me, but it's still nasty to deal with. They don't freak me out or anything. I was busy always told not to eat rabbits until after the frost to "kill the worms in their necks". So it just stuck with me.

Those look like bot fly larvae.
@Dr. Kralenstein To my knowledge bot fly larvae are exactly what warbles are. Just another name. Around here old timers call 'em "wolves."
@Dr. Kralenstein To my knowledge bot fly larvae are exactly what warbles are. Just another name. Around here old timers call 'em "wolves."
I just know you don't want to get any of those in you. I think the species we have in NA aren't after humans, but there are bot Flys down in south America that sure will.