My wife’s prize package from Air Arms has arrived.

Most excellent !! When you had asked earlier on what model to get with many stating the Super Trick FT model !!! Practicality dictated something far less fancy and purpose built, be something your wife wanted and would shoot. Not perhaps what you or other would have chosen making the winning less personalized.

Good for you, wife and family taking the high road and not the deep bank approach in AA's offer of ANY air gun they manufacture.

Best regards,

Scott S
More stuff arrived today from Air Arms...Boxes #2 and #3 packed full of great stuff! This just keeps getting better and better. Thank you Air Arms, so generous!



Sounds like a SUPER FUN thing to do with the entire fam going out!

Enjoy the day Stoti!


Thanks Mike,

It certainly would have been fun, we were all super excited and looking forward to it. Not today though! We got Rain, Rain & more Rain! Since we were home together, we did have the opportunity to loosen up the scope rings on my Impact, Alex’s Maverick and my wife’s new S510 Ultimate Sporter. I just bought and mounted a new scope, bought Alex a new scope and Nichole got a new scope too. They were all mounted and ready to go but we were planning on leveling them and sighting them in at our range range. Since we couldn’t shoot today, I decided to take more time and make sure the scopes are all exactly level to the bore and to see if the bore is level to the action or if it’s close. I like using s plumb bob line for leveling our reticles so they’re as precise as can be. Then I tightened all of the rings to between 18-25 in. lbs. Viola, we should be good to go when we get to the range. Between 5-10 shots with each gun and we should be dialed in, ready to go. Exactly why we all use adjustable rings...Easy peasy! 
