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N50 at 100 “In The Rings” Slug Challenge

Tried another few N50 cards ( “in the rings" slug challenge) today at 100 yards. Windy again, and with a head wind and switching right to left and left to right. Have a pic below with my Kestrel at the bench, 3.8 mph at the time. Had two flags out and I was shooting the Anschutz 1907 .22 LR. I did forget my Tuner, and I think it made a bit of a difference accuracy-wise. I know in ideal conditions I have tested with / without the tuner at 50 yards with good ammo, and the rifle does shoot better with the Tuner.



I highlighted the individual "bulls" where I shot a good group/score. The RWS100 40g ammo is pretty good, and equal to the RWS50 ammo I believe. ANA sent me a brick and I am lot testing the RWS100 a bit, and need to get back to them with my notes.

Top row - #4 bull needs some explanation. I inadvertently thought I had a 'do-over' if I hit the box line, but as I re-read the rules, no do-overs which make sense. There are six shots on that bull, and one went far left into the #3 box. Other than that, I was happy with my wind reading. Shot a 2050, but a DQ in my mind.

Third row from top - Good row, no complaints and was the best score I could manage today. Shot a 2100. 


Top Row - Lapua Center-X ammo. Not as accurate as the RWS100 ammo, but I did squeeze out a 500 and a 400 score on two bulls. Shot an 1825.

Bottom row - RWS100 - Had two 500's and one 400. Shot a 2075

Mike N still has me beat on all four of my cards today with that Thomas! That gun is starting to annoy me. LOL - JK, but pretty amazing how an air gun can stack up pretty good with some RF 100 yard testing for this "slugs in the rings" 100 yard challenge. Would not even try this with pellets.

If at all possible, would like to see some other BR shooters give this a try with your RF rifles. It really is fun and is the only way I will shoot at 100 yards right now. My two HP .22 air rifles were in the 1200-1300 scoring range, very humbling. 

As an aside, I feel that IF....my .22 HP air guns could manage shooting a commercially available slug in the 38-40g weight category, I would score a bit higher. Thus far, I have not seen any posts of RAWs or Red Wolf .22 HP's shooting heavier slugs in the 40G range; either with folks casting their own slugs or finding any commercially available. 


Just checking an 8-shot group at 100 yards with RWS 100. POA was the X-dot. Almost MOA, except for -- you guessed it, my last shot.


It definitely is NOT easy. That's probably why there aren't many posts.

I enjoyed it, but then again, it was near calm conditions(which don't happen that often). And I didn't get too many flyers. 

I'm not sure if I have a setup that could keep 25 in the boxes if the wind gusts, but it may be worth trying. This gun/scope combo is my most reliably consistent rig for pesting/hunting out to 150 yards in light wind. I just shot a monthly "cold bore" test target(at different ranges) to test the gun/scope combo for consistency/POI shift last week:


It always groups well at 100 yards, so I thought I would give it a try with the N50 at 100yard challenge. I practice a lot more "can I hit what I'm aiming at" at different distances more than benchrest precision. I'm always trying different ammo(mainly slugs) at different speeds in different conditions, collecting data and comparing results to this "most reliably consistent" rig(which I have left unchanged for over a year).

I have another higher powered setup using the 700mm barrel shooting KO slugs @ 975 fps that used to do ok on the N50 test targets at 50 yards. I might try it out at 100 yards. Maybe it could hold up in light winds a little better. 

I like the thread. More people should try it and see how HARD it is to try to keep 25 in a row in the boxes with no sighters. A lot more challenging/interesting than most of the posts showing random "groups" at .... yards, imo.

Phil….I’m sure you are correct about the number of participants being low due to the difficulty.

I’m with you in your “hit what you are aiming at” philosophy. Guns are completely useless if the user cannot hit what they need to. Random group shooting is incredibly popular because it’s infinitely easier than putting a group where it belongs. Anything easy will be more popular.

Thanks for posting.

I heard about this on another part of the forum and decided to investigate. This challenge is what I do when I can - shoot at paper, from far away. I tried making circles, but that was a lot of work, and I have no printer other than Kinko’s. So I made a little 22 caliber dots on the paper using red ink so I can tell them apart from the 17 holes. Aim small miss small.

This was incredibly mentally intensive. At the end of my first good card, which was the third card I shot, I was exhausted. I actually took a bit of a break had something to eat drink some water and came back.

conditions had improved. In fact for about a half a target they got incredibly good…But it was split between two cards. I’m not complaining. I did get some really good weather.

I figured the 177 was the ticket, as this is similar to shooting at a kill zone.

I was shooting my 17 caliber red wolf. Factory board. 15 grain NSA. 

💯 yards of course!

It would be extremely difficult to shoot a perfect score with my model 54 anschutz 17 HRM. 1 inch groups with a rimfire and good ammo, are few and far between. I tried for years in my youth. Plus, air guns are way more fun.



Magic group…


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It would be extremely difficult to shoot a perfect score with my model 54 anschutz 17 HRM. 1 inch groups with a rimfire and good ammo, are few and far between. I tried for years in my youth. Plus, air guns are way more fun.



I did try this several times with both my Anschutz 64 MPR and also my custom Annie 1907 ( 54 action ) with tuner. Best I could muster was a 2450, but have had a few cards in the 2250 - 2300+ range. Could not get past 1200-1300 with my RAW or Safari, but it was windy the day I tried. It is fun to try, but I gave up with air guns bc I don’t think I can get as close or score as well as with my Annie’s.



I would definitely agree that a 22 rimfire has an advantage in the wind verse an air rifle. Unless you’re shooting one of Mike’s rifles with the 40 grain slugs. That at least puts you in a similar ballpark ballistically. 

last night was my first time trying this experiment. I know I didn’t use the official target, but if you look at the groups, let’s just say I was quite satisfied. If I were shooting at a squirrel size object at 100 yards. I would’ve had a dead kill with one shot approximately 116/125. I only missed my target by a hair over an inch seven times.

In the conditions I was shooting in last night I would choose the 17 RedWolf over the 22 rf. In all other scenarios I would agree the rimfire would be easier to score with.

I used the math Mike supplied a couple posts above, and with calipers measured my distance from the center of my target 🎯. I added 1/2 the diameter of the 177 to my center to center measurement, to make sure I was under the inside of the outer line. I measured all of the 50s separately. It was really pretty easy. I had no shots that would’ve missed the square entirely.

I figured the 177 gave me an advantage cutting inside the circle, but a disadvantage clipping the outside edge of the circle, so I called it even, and ignored it.

I was not surprised at how hard this was. I think I would have a half heckuva time doing much better than I did yesterday. I was happy with all of the targets, and some of them are well down in the teens. That surprised me. 

My best was a 2100, which I’m sure Mike could beat and has.



I haven’t shot much better than that, Mike. I’ve shot it twice and both were right at 2100. My 100y target stand was in my neighbors property and he got weird about it one day. We have a canal that cuts off about an acre triangle of each of our properties and makes it inaccessible. He uses my triangle on his side of the canal to park his camper, boat, and snowmobiles and he said I could do whatever I wanted with his triangle that’s on my side of the canal. One day he comes over and accuses me of dumping stumps on his land. These stumps are seriously the size of a mini van. I have no equipment of any sort that could move something like that….not to mention any trees on my property (desert) that could produce such a stump. The stumps have been there ever since we moved in 3 years ago. I just assumed he put them there. Anyway, he decided he didn’t like the target on his property. If you sit at my shooting bench and draw a line perpendicular to my direction there is absolutely nothing in the 180 zone except for my own house. A few days later he called me up and said I could again do whatever I wanted with the property, but I’m not gonna bother. I’m guessing he must have figured out who actually put the stumps there. I don’t know. I just have to put a bench about 50 feet further back to get 100 without getting too far away from my shop and staying off his triangle. Just haven’t had the desire yet.


Posted this today with Anschutz 64 MPR .22 rimfire. Top and middle rows were practice rows for wind reading, with one flag deployed ( should have used 2nd flag ). Shot a 2250 ( bottom row) and average CTC for 25 shots at 100 yards was .87" CTC with Caliper. Have said it before, and I would give anything to do this with an air rifle! Waste a time for me with the MRD 25G pellets, but if there was commercially available slugs in the 40G weight range, I would give it a try. I do enjoy this challenge even with the two Annie's. 

