Need advice on a purchase…..sending $ but afraid

I got scammed recently after I posted a WTB ad. The sellper had been on the forum since 2020. Not many post but I read them and they seemed legit. Every question I asked about velocity, pellets,scope,etc. he had a solid answer. So someone that had knowledge of airguns. He wanted PayPal F&F and I fell for it. Got a couple of emails back from him and then nothing. $180 out window gone! I communicated with him through email vs through the forum. That was a big mistake and should have been a red flag. So my advice is be careful and make the seller do it your way. If they won’t then walk away. You are the buyer and you have the money they want. Let them jump through the hoops to get it.
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It is well documented that Paypal has discriminatory practices against firearms and gun related products and in some cases have confiscated people's money as a result or have not honored insurance claims for such products. I cancelled my Paypal account and don't use Venmo either as it is an arm of Paypal. There are other safe means of transfering money which I use. If you don't like it, that's too bad because I'm not going to knuckle under to them as a matter of principle.
This is 100% true. So I am not saying the seller is absolutely legit but his reasons aren’t exactly outlandish either. OP did you speak to him on the phone. You can really get a feeling for someone on the phone. Maybe do a video call where he actually shows you the gun live ??