Need Advice On Taking Down Coyotes

I bought a bunch of the Hybrids on sale for $16.99 100 packs at the Pellet Shop. Don't think they are that price anymore. The boxes were damaged a bit but I didn't care. What do they usually charge you for a 100 pack? Are they all shiney and lubed like when they are packaged from FX? I am very intrigued.
They are bulk, chucked in a bag, they do need cleaning in an ultrasonic cleaner, I use alcohol, then roll them in a microfiber towel with beeswax furniture polish. $75 for 500, free shipping for yours in .35.
I mentioned earlier in this thread I test in wet paper. That test is for penetration in muscle tissue. I also test penetration in MDF. I have a test block with layers of 1/4 MDF separated about 1/2 inch from each other. I test to see how many layers a projectile makes it through. The MDF test is for penetrating the skull. I've noticed that the penetration in MDF is about the same for something like a slug that expands in paper as it is for domed pellets of similar weight going similar velocity. I think that is because the MDF distorts any projectile.

So if you want to keep using hybrids I would go for head shots. I do not think their rapid expansion will hurt you with cracking their skulls.

Did you say you are shooting down on them from an upper floor bedroom? If so, you have to adjust your aim point. To hit the brain you may need to shoot through the top of their skulls. But if you are shooting from above it will help minimize the potential of a slug glancing off their slopped skull from the front. Your impact will be more perpendicular to the surface.

I still think you'd be better off with a domed pellet your gun shoots well. At short range the bc advantage of a slug doesn't really help. The hole from a 357 domed pellet will kill fine as long as it is placed appropriately.
@Jman4183 Ordinarily I'd PM you something like this, but I'm not sure you've been a member long enough to respond. This is not a detailed video explaining exactly what happened, but it happened and at a much closer range. I like how he follows up. I unsure about his backdrop. I see homes back there. Hard to tell what's going on with that, specifically what's between the yote and the houses.