N/A Need advise please

I am looking for a new quality PCP rifle.
This will be my first PCP. I have been shooting rifles for 50+ years and can't settle for mediocre.
I have a target of $3K for rifle and compressor and any must have to start accessories.
I mainly shoot from a bench and want a rifle that can shoot well at 100 yards.
Interested in the RAW chassis in .25 caliber. Any advise from the pro's? What other rifles can fit the bill?

Thanks in advance... Rob
Ghost 30 or RTI Prophet 22 LR would be my suggestions in your price range. A Yong Heng compressor are $250 to your door and will meet your needs. Sightron glass, a PatchWorm kit and lots of lead.

Keep in mind that you will not achieve powder burner accuracy at 100Y but you could likely achieve better accuracy at 50Y with an air rifle In calm conditions with good wind reading skills.
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I have a Yong Heng and I agree it is a good compressor for a low price but I think it works best when paired with a bottle. The compressor can easily fill a bottle but may need extra cooling to do it in one run without getting pretty hot. The bottle and valves add cost - but also provides near instant and near silent refills. I use an expired SCBA tank so I have more like $600 in my setup. An alternative is a GX CS4 for maybe $500 is you shop really hard. I do not have one but the reviews say it is much quieter but is also much slower than a Yong Heng and perhaps better suited to fill guns directly. Works on 12V or 120V and pretty light so it is easily portable.

With respect to accuracy versus PBs I don't know that I would agree it is always the case that PBs win. They function at much higher pressure so they can make a lot more power. But burning powder does not result in the same velocity variation we routinely get from regulated PBs. I often get a ES under 10 fps, for instance, from my under $500 pcps. That would be unheard of for a PB. But less pressure leads to lower velocity so trickier trajectory and with pellets at least the ballistic coefficient will be much worse so the wind drift will be much higher. Slugs can at least narrow the gap versus a 22lr and possibly even close it. Some PCPs can be tuned to similar velocity as target 22lr rounds. So with such a PCP shooting good slugs, I don't know that a 22lr will always win. Seems like it should be really close and the lower ES might even help the airgun win a few. But an airgun tuned this high will use a LOT of air.

I have shot my PCPs at 100 yards a few times but I think airguns work best at lower power and at 50 yards and less.
Thanks for the replies.

I believe I will not be satisfied with a PCP. I'll spend the proposed money on higher quality 22LR match ammo than what I normally use. I haven't tried any higher quality ammo than Lapua Center-X.
I have a 22LR competition bolt rifle that gets >.5 MOA with Lapua Center-X at 100 yards and a heavily customized Ruger 10/22 that gets 1 MOA with CCI Standard Velocity at the same distance.
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