Need first hunting PCP recommendations

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Get a kral NP-03 in 177 or 22 and tune it with a better hammer spring. Get more shots since the hammer won't bounce like a basketball, and it'll have enough power to take them no problem.
You can either remove the stock via one socket head screw, or the entire stock via one socket screw. Could even replace that screw with a wing nut or some other type of quick turn fastener.
I've modded mine to a regulated 350cc bottle gun, but its the most compact gun I have now. Mind you this is also a 4" shoter barrel and a shroud from the puncher breaker. Its loud without the Tanto on the front. Its a 25 also, doing 40 fpe for 60 shots, so thats another reason its loud. A 177 would be much quieter.
@JohnTitor I don’t know a lot about budget PCPs. I would have suggested a Benjamin Bulldog for nutria, but they are not quiet and they are long bullpups. They can be modified for 100 yard work. I have a modded Bulldog that can reach out there. I saw a used Bulldog on for less than $600 last night. You should check out some of @estarkey7’s work on groundhogs with a Bulldog. I realize they different animals, but his videos paint a very vivid picture of the gun’s capabilities.

There are some other videos of member hunting nutria. If I remember correctly @Chris_Hoek has nutria hunting videos and he’s in Louisiana. I think a .25-.30 caliber would be a good place to start looking at guns with nutria in mind. If you’re looking for a budget rifle, one I’ve had my eye for a while has been a DAR Gen 3 in .25. I think @Wingman115 toon a coyote with one. I’ve seen good things on tape and read some good things about DARs. They seem to be a good value for the price. @AirArcher66 has hunted plenty of pigs and swears by Korean made guns like Evanix and I forget the other brand. They seem to be affordable. Maybe reach out to some of these folks. They’re more knowledgeable than I am here. Also you can visit their profiles, view their older posts, and find a wealth of information.

I was thinking a Leshiy Classic would suit you because you can swap calibers, they fold into a very compact size, and you can purchase longer barrels to stretch out your range. I imagine you’d have to change the tune in order to do so. Many members have gotten into AEA guns recently. You should be able to find sufficient info on them in the forums not narrow your choices down some.

Hopefully I’ve provided some things for you to consider. We have some really cool members here. If you reach out to them some will respond positively with answers to your questions. Also you can find good info by searching older threads. Welcome to AGN.
Thanks for the shout out. I harvested a yote with at .25 DAR Gen 2 at about 40 yards.
I liked my first SPA P35 so much I bought two more. I now have one in 177, 22, and 25. I got the 25 first and it has killed 18 squirrels so far. I haven't lost one and only two ran at all after the hit. I don't know much about nutrina but I would think it could handle it, but you might want to use heavier pellets than the FTTs I am using. Mine shot JSB 33.95s pretty well. Should be able to tune it up over 40 ft lbs with heavy pellets. Mine was high 30s out of the box. My 22 is low 30 fpe with the 21 grain pellets it likes.

The P35 is 5.2 lbs and under 30 inches long. If your backpack is long enough it should work. All 3 of mine will shoot 3 shot groups under 1/4 inch at 25 yards, sometimes well under. My 22 has shot a couple groups that look like only one pellet hole. I polished the crown and reduced the trigger weight but I haven't done a lot to them.
way is see it you 'need' several guns lol .. personally i wouldnt want to be walking about with an airgun that looks like a hitech assault weapon to the uninitiated, sure youll likely be alright in the end after the cops are called on you and they harass you for a couple of hours, been there .. a couple times ... naw, to go after some birds with a 'backpack' gun id probably bring my scoped .17 bandit, screw the ldc on as im checking them out and the pedestrian situation and sneaking up to a shady tree within 50 yards ..

Thanks for the info guys, lots of guns I never considered before on here.

I'm going to start with a .22 PP700 for budget reasons and buy a second pcp gun for larger stuff with the bulk of the funds. Great info, guys keep it coming I appreciate it a ton.
For the critters that you're after, I'd want more than a sub 600 fps .22 cal. Nothing attracts attention like killing Die Hard.
way is see it you 'need' several guns lol .. personally i wouldnt want to be walking about with an airgun that looks like a hitech assault weapon to the uninitiated, sure youll likely be alright in the end after the cops are called on you and they harass you for a couple of hours, been there .. a couple times ... naw, to go after some birds with a 'backpack' gun id probably bring my scoped .17 bandit, screw the ldc on as im checking them out and the pedestrian situation and sneaking up to a shady tree within 50 yards ..

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Yep looks like a PP700 is going to be my first purchase for that exact reason. What kind of scope would you put on one for popping doves?
For the critters that you're after, I'd want more than a sub 600 fps .22 cal. Nothing attracts attention like killing Die Hard.
Probably save up for something like a .25 taipan veteran long for the mid range animals later. First priority is doves, ducks and squirrels so a cheap PP700 seems to fit the bill. Small game meat is the best imho even if you have to collect a lot to make a meal.

Maybe a large cal AEA gun later for even larger game but who knows.