Need first hunting PCP recommendations

Really need some advice on what to get based on my personal requirements.

1: I hunt a lot of doves locally because they are absolutely delicious, I will eat other small birds as well.

2: I need to be able to conceal the gun in a backpack so as not to freak out locals while moving about. It must be very quiet so probably need a moderator or something quite out of the box.

3: I need to be able to take somewhat larger stuff from time to time such as nutria rats.

4: what is a decent scope for long range bird hunting on somewhat of a budget?

5: What is recommended for somewhat larger game as I will probably buy a second gun for the purpose.

I have been looking at Taipan Veteran, Leshiy 2, AEA backpacker or SS, Marauder pistol, and various other bullpups but still can't decide even after lurking on this form for a while.

Left to my own devices I'm probably just going to get an Akela, some compact AEA gun or Kral punch breaker. I'm looking for extreme reliability and ease of maintenance since I will be shooting it a whole lot as well as mid or low range in pricing unless someone somehow convinces me I absolutely need an Leshiy 2.

Define long range. The longer the range the more those tasty critters are going to cost. That said, ANY of the name brands will do the job at 50 - 75 yards. Over my vast months of experience I've learned that a break barrel will hit paper, at least my cheap Remington, my Zbroia Sapsan will drill small holes at 30 yards and slightly larger at 50. Can't attest to the FX Maverick VP, it's on it's way but it should do the job easily at 75+ yards. Updates yet to come. Jessica at Iguana Solutions, Anne Oakley to you, can drill an Iguana easily with her Brococks at 35 yards. Get a decent FFP scope, they take some getting use to math involved. I use Elements. BUT Jessica uses a 2nd FFP so what in the hell do I know. Recipes are always welcome. But my dove population here is about zero and the pigeons have become scarce for some reason, heck even the Canada Geese are MIA.
Define long range. The longer the range the more those tasty critters are going to cost. That said, ANY of the name brands will do the job at 50 - 75 yards. Over my vast months of experience I've learned that a break barrel will hit paper, at least my cheap Remington, my Zbroia Sapsan will drill small holes at 30 yards and slightly larger at 50. Can't attest to the FX Maverick VP, it's on it's way but it should do the job easily at 75+ yards. Updates yet to come. Jessica at Iguana Solutions, Anne Oakley to you, can drill an Iguana easily with her Brococks at 35 yards. Get a decent FFP scope, they take some getting use to math involved. I use Elements. BUT Jessica uses a 2nd FFP so what in the hell do I know. Recipes are always welcome. But my dove population here is about zero and the pigeons have become scarce for some reason, heck even the Canada Geese are MIA.
I would recommend you just pluk and gut everything then stuff it in a pressure cooker for an hour on high less for smaller birds. I tend to fast for a few weeks to a month then fill myself with wild red meat, after true hunger returns during a fast you will be able to taste every aspect of the meat without any spices, oils or flavors needed. I prefer the brains most of all, try it sometime if you haven't before they taste surprisingly sweet.

As for the blood I recommend saving it because you can cook it a bit and it turns into this delicious stuff that is kind of like fluffy ground meat and tastes somewhat like it as well.

The liver and heart are always worth saving as well, hearts always taste good but livers are only good in younger animals when healthy and red looking.

The meat I usually vac pack and give to friends unless its something very nutrient dense as indicated by a darker red color. Breast meat on doves for example is good stuff.

In a nutshell all I can recommend recipe wise is simply eating only the most nutritious parts after pressure cooking since a pressure cooker not only cooks it the quickest but also retains the flavors since it prevents the smells from escaping, also makes the meat tender without slow cooker for hours.

Start fasting and after a few days hunger will subside while your body learns to live on nothing but your fat reserves. This will continue for weeks to a month for most, true hunger will return usually after the tongue clears its white coating to a very red color and only then will you be able to taste the deliciousness of wild meat in its fullness. Nothing else can compare plus you save money on food while "cycling" like this. Not trying to prod anyone into some health trend nonsense, I just prefer to enjoy my food and this is the best way I found to do so.

Define long range. The longer the range the more those tasty critters are going to cost. That said, ANY of the name brands will do the job at 50 - 75 yards. Over my vast months of experience I've learned that a break barrel will hit paper, at least my cheap Remington, my Zbroia Sapsan will drill small holes at 30 yards and slightly larger at 50. Can't attest to the FX Maverick VP, it's on it's way but it should do the job easily at 75+ yards. Updates yet to come. Jessica at Iguana Solutions, Anne Oakley to you, can drill an Iguana easily with her Brococks at 35 yards. Get a decent FFP scope, they take some getting use to math involved. I use Elements. BUT Jessica uses a 2nd FFP so what in the hell do I know. Recipes are always welcome. But my dove population here is about zero and the pigeons have become scarce for some reason, heck even the Canada Geese are MIA.
Tons of geese around here, I don't use a gun for them however because I'm young and fast. Its easier to just chase them down at night since they are flat footed lol. I normally grab a couple when they are in season and give them nothing but food or water for a few days so the blood and other stuff tastes better once they evacuate all the fecalmater from their system.

Hang them upsidown over a bucket, slit the throat with a razor knife and then cover the head with a 1 gallon ziplock bag to get all the blood. That blood tastes absolutely amazing when you cook it a bit.



  • Haha
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Hello out of every thing you described you can not go wrong with the L2 350 with the behemoth silencer system. I was un age fence on buying an L2 as well and actually had a Lelya 2 on order but after months of backorder and talking with Brian from Edgun West I went with the L2 250 in 22 cal and could not be happier. The gun is compact, accurate, and rugged. At some point I will be adding a bottle and a forward rail system to accommodate clip on thermal. As for an optic I really like the Meopta optika6 clear, bright, repeatable and the illuminated reticle is great. Well good luck in what you decide Eric.
Tons of geese around here, I don't use a gun for them however because I'm young and fast. Its easier to just chase them down at night since they are flat footed lol. I normally grab a couple when they are in season and give them nothing but food or water for a few days so the blood and other stuff tastes better once they evacuate all the fecalmater from their system.

Hang them upsidown over a bucket, slit the throat with a razor knife and then cover the head with a 1 gallon ziplock bag to get all the blood. That blood tastes absolutely amazing when you cook it a bit.

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I dont know why but you got me cracking up! I just have this vision of some guy running around a lake in some apartment complex or business park just snatching up geese and tossing them in his van!
Word to the wise, don't try that crap with a turkey, theyll spur the hell out of you!
You're looking for a SHORT gun
▪ (1)
that is short when transporting?
▪ (2) that is short when shooting it?

There IS a difference. 👍🏼

The No. (1) gun that is short for transport can always hushed up with a silencer, even a big one.

The No. (1) gun can be like the Leshiy that folds open for shooting.

But for a No. (2) gun that should be short while shooting those are not helpful options....

🔸 Many bullpups come also in short or "compact" versions.
And if you dial the hammer spring to an efficient tune (as not to blow excess air out of the barrel to make more noise but not more power) — most of them are reportedly rather quiet at 25FPE (.22cal), not needing a silencer. Sure, some do even better with a hair curler or two up in their empty shroud.

Here is a thread listing all those "compact" bullpups:

🔸 For birds at shorter ranges a pistol with silencer might be the shortest option.
Pigeons don't live long if they come within 50y of my PP700. In .22cal it's doing 16FPE with JSB domes, and the DonnyFL Sumo makes it very stealthy.

Pretty budget friendly option. The PP700 comes now in a magazine version as PP750. And the Prod is a very proven platform. 👍🏼


Where do we start? 😄

• What max. ranges do you want to shot with it — and at what minimum ranges will game pop up around you? ➔ This will determine the magnification range, top and bottom end.

• How good are your eyes? ➔ This will further define the top end.

• Do you adjust for shots outside your point bank range
— by holding over with the reticle?
— by dialing the elevation turret?
➔ This will determine if exposed are required.
And whether FFP or SFP — unless you have a certain preference already.

Fun hobby! You sure are having fun eating what you hunt. 👍🏼

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@JohnTitor This has got to be one of the wildest threads I’ve seen in minute. 😅 trying to picture you bird-napping geese in the night is funny as hell to me. The geese that make their way into my area fly my guy. There’s no walking or running up on them or any water fowl. What’s going on with yours where they feel safe trying to run away? I’d love to see you in action. Are you going to golf courses or something? And is that a stack of tortillas in the back with that goose? Were you planning taco or poker night? Look at his face in that pic. He doesn’t even know what’s about to happen. He’s just chilling. 😅 As for hunting it would be really helpful to know what your desired maximum shooting range is.

As for compact hunting guns:
  1. I’d think a Leshiy Classic would be great as far as portability is concerned, but it’s a single shot. The Leshiy 2 is a repeater, but I’d read up on issues members have had with the L2 before shelling out $2k+. The folding design looks awesome. I haven’t used a Leshiy Classic, but have read about them and I haven’t read many bad things. Maybe some owners can chime in. The good thing about them is the ability to swap calibers.
  2. The Prod is light, but I wouldn’t want to put in my backpack. Mine is around 2’ long with a collapsible folding stock folded and no moderator. I wouldn’t hit a Nutira with a Prod so I think that’s out.
  3. The Edgun Lelya 2.0 is heavier than a Prod, but well balanced. It’s also more costly, but more powerful than a Prod. It is a repeater. I think it would take up substantial room in a backpack, although I haven’t had the need to place mine in one. I think a Lelya 2.0 in .25 caliber can take a nutria within 40 yards if you know what you’re doing.
  4. AEA guns appear to be powerful airguns and I’d imagine that would be an issue if stealth is your concern because on video they sound loud. Also their magazines seem to break fairly easily from what I’ve read.
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Define long range. The longer the range the more those tasty critters are going to cost. That said, ANY of the name brands will do the job at 50 - 75 yards. Over my vast months of experience I've learned that a break barrel will hit paper, at least my cheap Remington, my Zbroia Sapsan will drill small holes at 30 yards and slightly larger at 50. Can't attest to the FX Maverick VP, it's on it's way but it should do the job easily at 75+ yards. Updates yet to come. Jessica at Iguana Solutions, Anne Oakley to you, can drill an Iguana easily with her Brococks at 35 yards. Get a decent FFP scope, they take some getting use to math involved. I use Elements. BUT Jessica uses a 2nd FFP so what in the hell do I know. Recipes are always welcome. But my dove population here is about zero and the pigeons have become scarce for some reason, heck even the Canada Geese are MI

Hello out of every thing you described you can not go wrong with the L2 350 with the behemoth silencer system. I was un age fence on buying an L2 as well and actually had a Lelya 2 on order but after months of backorder and talking with Brian from Edgun West I went with the L2 250 in 22 cal and could not be happier. The gun is compact, accurate, and rugged. At some point I will be adding a bottle and a forward rail system to accommodate clip on thermal. As for an optic I really like the Meopta optika6 clear, bright, repeatable and the illuminated reticle is great. Well good luck in what you decide Eric.
Hoping I can get away with something a little less pricey they a L2 that's backpack comparable and powerful enough for the odd nutria rat. Seems I might have to start saving.

Thanks for the input.
I dont know why but you got me cracking up! I just have this vision of some guy running around a lake in some apartment complex or business park just snatching up geese and tossing them in his van!
Word to the wise, don't try that crap with a turkey, theyll spur the hell out of you!
During the day I tie a snare knot with some multi filament fishing like and tie the other end to something like a half full water bottle. Just crack both car windows and toss the weight out the passenger window when the geese go after the bread you throw to close the loop and then drag it in the driver side window then drive off lol.

At night the geese probably will not even try to fly off because birds do not fly if they cannot see so you can just snatch them if you are quick and motivated, a flashlight may help disorient them but I don't use one on geese in particular. If you shine a bright flashlight at a bird during low light it will not fly off even if you walk up and grab it.

And ya pretty much I just snatch geese up where ever I see them so long as I think I can get away with it without soccer moms getting bent out of shape. Nothing beats wild meat daily.
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🔸 Many bullpups come also in short or "compact" versions.
And if you dial the hammer spring to an efficient tune (as not to blow excess air out of the barrel to make more noise but not more power) — most of them are reportedly rather quiet at 25FPE (.22cal), not needing a silencer. Sure, some do even better with a hair curler or two up in their empty shroud.

Here is a thread listing all those "compact" bullpups:

🔸 For birds at shorter ranges a pistol with silencer might be the shortest option.
Pigeons don't live long if they come within 50y of my PP700. In .22cal it's doing 16FPE with JSB domes, and the DonnyFL Sumo makes it very stealthy.

Pretty budget friendly option. The PP700 comes now in a magazine version as PP750. And the Prod is a very proven platform. 👍🏼

Thanks a ton for recommending the PP750 and PP700, they are just in the right price range for portability and dove slaying.

I had not even considered these PCP pistols but now that I think of it for small birds nothing would be better since it could be carried with ease.

Anything else in the pcp pistol category worth looking at? How much of a scope could I get on one of these suckers? Are they accurate enough at 50 yards, the birds around here do not let you get super close.


Where do we start? 😄

• What max. ranges do you want to shot with it — and at what minimum ranges will game pop up around you? ➔ This will determine the magnification range, top and bottom end.

• How good are your eyes? ➔ This will further define the top end.

• Do you adjust for shots outside your point bank range
— by holding over with the reticle?
— by dialing the elevation turret?
➔ This will determine FFP or SFP. Unless you have a certain preference already.

Fun hobby! You sure are having fun eating what you hunt. 👍🏼

Range of the gun should be good enough to hit 100 yards out optimally since the local wildlife is a tad skittish.

I'm fine getting and range finder and dialing it in for every shot if I have to just have no clue what i should get or what everyone is running.

Need advice on a .22 cal backpack friendly set up as well as what you would put on a longer rifle in .25 cal and up.
@JohnTitor This has got to be one of the wildest threads I’ve seen in minute. 😅 trying to picture you bird-napping geese in the night is funny as hell to me. The geese that make their way into my area fly my guy. There’s no walking or running up on them or any water fowl. What’s going on with yours where they feel safe trying to run away? I’d love to see you in action. Are you going to golf courses or something? And is that a stack of tortillas in the back with that goose? Were you planning taco or poker night? Look at his face in that pic. He doesn’t even know what’s about to happen. He’s just chilling. 😅 As for hunting it would be really helpful to know what your desired maximum shooting range is.

As for compact hunting guns:
  1. I’d think a Leshiy Classic would be great as far as portability is concerned, but it’s a single shot. The Leshiy 2 is a repeater, but I’d read up on issues members have had with the L2 before shelling out $2k+. The folding design looks awesome. I haven’t used a Leshiy Classic, but have read about them and I haven’t read many bad things. Maybe some owners can chime in. The good thing about them is the ability to swap calibers.
  2. The Prod is light, but I wouldn’t want to put in my backpack. Mine is around 2’ long with a collapsible folding stock folded and no moderator. I wouldn’t hit a Nutira with a Prod so I think that’s out.
  3. The Edgun Lelya 2.0 is heavier than a Prod, but well balanced. It’s also more costly, but more powerful than a Prod. It is a repeater. I think it would take up substantial room in a backpack, although I haven’t had the need to place mine in one. I think a Lelya 2.0 in .25 caliber can take a nutria within 40 yards if you know what you’re doing.
  4. AEA guns appear to be powerful airguns and I’d imagine that would be an issue if stealth is your concern because on video they sound loud. Also their magazines seem to break fairly easily from what I’ve read.
Realistically I probably need a second gun that's a bit longer for nutria rats. What's good in the budget bullpup pcp range for that task?

As for the AEA guns they are in my price range, compact enough and high enough power to fill the role I need. Problem is I have no idea what model would be reliable enough as I seem to see reliability issues when I read only. Pretty good selection of cool 9mm and up stuff however.
@JohnTitor I don’t know a lot about budget PCPs. I would have suggested a Benjamin Bulldog for nutria, but they are not quiet and they are long bullpups. They can be modified for 100 yard work. I have a modded Bulldog that can reach out there. I saw a used Bulldog on for less than $600 last night. You should check out some of @estarkey7’s work on groundhogs with a Bulldog. I realize they different animals, but his videos paint a very vivid picture of the gun’s capabilities.

There are some other videos of member hunting nutria. If I remember correctly @Chris_Hoek has nutria hunting videos and he’s in Louisiana. I think a .25-.30 caliber would be a good place to start looking at guns with nutria in mind. If you’re looking for a budget rifle, one I’ve had my eye for a while has been a DAR Gen 3 in .25. I think @Wingman115 toon a coyote with one. I’ve seen good things on tape and read some good things about DARs. They seem to be a good value for the price. @AirArcher66 has hunted plenty of pigs and swears by Korean made guns like Evanix and I forget the other brand. They seem to be affordable. Maybe reach out to some of these folks. They’re more knowledgeable than I am here. Also you can visit their profiles, view their older posts, and find a wealth of information.

I was thinking a Leshiy Classic would suit you because you can swap calibers, they fold into a very compact size, and you can purchase longer barrels to stretch out your range. I imagine you’d have to change the tune in order to do so. Many members have gotten into AEA guns recently. You should be able to find sufficient info on them in the forums not narrow your choices down some.

Hopefully I’ve provided some things for you to consider. We have some really cool members here. If you reach out to them some will respond positively with answers to your questions. Also you can find good info by searching older threads. Welcome to AGN.
During the day I tie a snare knot with some multi filament fishing like and tie the other end to something like a half full water bottle. Just crack both car windows and toss the weight out the passenger window when the geese go after the bread you throw to close the loop and then drag it in the driver side window then drive off lol.

At night the geese probably will not even try to fly off because birds do not fly if they cannot see so you can just snatch them if you are quick and motivated, a flashlight may help disorient them but I don't use one on geese in particular. If you shine a bright flashlight at a bird during low light it will not fly off even if you walk up and grab it.

And ya pretty much I just snatch geese up where ever I see them so long as I think I can get away with it without soccer moms getting bent out of shape. Nothing beats wild meat daily.
I give you credit for ingenuity... still not any less creepy lol!
Thanks a ton for recommending the PP750 and PP700. Anything else in the pcp pistol category worth looking at?

Well, the PP series is from SPA/ Artemis, and China has a lot of lemon trees (not just virus labs).
So, be prepared to do some fixing.... o-ring replacing and other stuff. A replacement regulator from Huma runs about 100$ — well worth it of you need consistent muzzle velocity right on the first shot.
On the PP700 I have collected a ton of into, mods, fixes, lists, links, accessories, if you decide on that model.

Others in that price range — with a regulator — not many other options that I know of...
Next two models up are top quality as your're looking for reliability: Ataman AP16 and Weihrauch HW44. But hovering around 1000$.

How much of a scope could I get on one of these suckers?
Are they accurate enough at 50 yards, the birds around here do not let you get super close.


🔸 Hitting quarry at 50y, yeah, they do that.
The PP750 comes with an integrated extendable stock, for 30$ you can add one to the PP700.
However, I usually rest the pistol on a sock with plastic chips — either on the side of a tree, or the top of a gate.
I hold it completely still on target with my offhand — while my trigger hand has no "holding" to do, just squeezing the blade. Extremely stable. And no need for a stock using this "Full Field Rest".

🔸 Scopes
A rifle scope on a pistol will need to be on the short side.
Thankfully there are some good and economic options. 👍🏼
I have been dialing the Discovery VT-3 3-12x44 FFP for about 3 years now on a PP700, and it's still dead on.
There are similar options from Vector and WestHunter.
Find the specs with prices on my Scope Specs Table for Short Scopes below.

🔸I'd love to see a video of the geese snatching technique — I have a hard time visualizing it. But very, very cool! 😄


❌ Attachment:
Scope Specs Table for Short Scopes, and 3-12x / 3-9x

View attachment SCOPE Specs Table. For SHORT Scopes -and- 3-12x (3-9x) Scopes.pdf