Need gun safe recommendations

I have the 26 gun Winchester safe. It is excellent and the best for the money in my opinion. At least it was when I bought it 2 years ago. It's a very good safe and beats the piss out of Costco safes and that tiny cabelas safe.
LOL COSTCO use to sell those and I think they still do sometimes. I should know I bought one, they are better than nothing butt are thin skinned. Any of them can be cut into even the 1/4" thick ones, it will just slow them down. I had a buddy that built a fake outward corner wall that opened up in his garage out of plywood to hide his, it even had tools hanging off that wall.
I had a buddy that built a fake outward corner wall that opened up in his garage out of plywood to hide his, it even had tools hanging off that wall.
Nice, hiding in plain sight is a good plan. Sort of like the fake cold air returns in the basement. A long time ago in a gun magazine or home handyman kind of magazine there was a write up of an electric water heater that died and a guy put a roller skate wheel on each of the heaters legs in a way where the water heater could be rotated to expose a hinged access door on the back side. He did some cleaning and painting of the interior, added a rack of sorts and added as best a lock as can be added to a sheet metal can, mostly to keep kids out of. He even had a length of armored cable and copper tubes go up into the floor joists a bit to look even more legit. Other than the tools needed, which he may have already owned, he did not invest a lot of money into a clever safe. Needless to say it didn’t have a high capacity but many people aren’t whack jobs like some of us who have too many guns, if that’s even possible.
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Good morning everyone, I have been browsing safes and would like to stay around the $500 mark. I saw a no frills but real safe from Cabela’s for $550, I missed the costco ones by a day, darnish. I would like 8-10 gun capacity

Any other places to look or recommendations?
gun capacity is measured like pellet velocity IE the smallest thinnest with no attachments IE: no scope and no bipods , just iron sights and slim stocks .
Thanks guys and I found this Winchester safe at tractor supply and for now it’s in budget and they will deliver $150 but what can I do. Thing weights 220 lbs so within weight limits and big enough for the near term. $450ish they said they will deliver. The store isn’t to far from my office so I’ll go check it out.

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I have this TS safe and for the money its really good. Get this product it will increase the number of guns a lot and keep them from touching one another. On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being highest its a 9 only because its not free.

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This vendor has some very good products.

They're expensive but built well enough. The biggest benefit in my opinion is that the individual parts are light enough to be carried anywhere by yourself, and assembly is easy. Can go anywhere in the house, and easy to move with you.
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