N/A Need help and your advise/expertise

Hi Guys!

First of all I'm sorry to do this question "again". But I read almost all posts from you about this argument of which should be the best choice on a middle range PCP.
But I didn't found the answers I'm looking for....

Said that, I'm looking to buy the best rifle my money can buy! Based on 4 important principles. But first I need to say that I'm located in Europe and as I saw of what you guys from USA "think" or have said on the posts given advise from others with my same questions that I read, and consider as a budget price rifle ( 300 USD), here in EU some of them are the double!

BTW I'll give you my 3 important things that I'm looking for...

1 - Price range I would like to stay on 300/400 euros ( here now the UX Notos is for around 420e, just to give an idea... others stays on the 300 range)

2 - I would like to have a powerful rifle, but also that on the near future I can be able to tuning and power up (as I saw you can do on the Snowpeak T-REX, but none has available here in EU).

3 - accuracy and cal. .22 (but if is best can be also .177)

4 - Finally a rifle that I can fill up with a hand pump and NOT a compressor.

So guys I would loved to know your opinion and advises on which brand/model is the best chose for me!
Thanks in advance to all that will replay and interact!!
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Reximex Force 1

Gen 1 Umarex Gauntlet.

Not much available that you could tune in your price range and hand pump friendly. Pump friendly is small bottle or tube.

The Force 2, bottle version, less pump friendly but you can add a regulator.
Reximex Force 1

Gen 1 Umarex Gauntlet.

Not much available that you could tune in your price range and hand pump friendly. Pump friendly is small bottle or tube.

The Force 2, bottle version, less pump friendly but you can add a regulator.

Umarex Gauntlet 2 it's around 700+ eu :eek:

Krale has some Snowpeak air rifles in stock and others on their website but out of stock. The T-rex bullpup is in stock, for instance, but the long T-Rex is not in stock. My favorite, the P35, is in stock. I see prices in dollars instead of Euros so I'm not sure if the P35 is too much or not.
The Snowpeak p35 is about 500e, a little bit out of budget... but if I need to rise a little the budget like that to have a very good rifle, I'll work more and do that! :)
I prefers to do an effort and have a long term good rifle, than spend a little less and have a bad one that I'll need to buy other soon...

the P35 has the possibility to work and tuning the power??

BTW the T Rex long is just good as budget and possibility to tuning up.... I don't know if is a good rifle, and also if is only temporary out of stock all over or it will pop up soon...
The 1 is just not listed anymore on most of the sites I searched..... They have only the Gauntlet 2
But maybe I'm wrong , as I don't know all the EU sites/shop
I wasn't sure, still available stateside on a few sites so I put it in. They had smaller bottles than the G2.

I looked for another, Niksan Elf/Ozark but only UK, South Africa and US as far as I could tell.
P35s are regulated guns. My 22 and 25 came with the regulator near the maximum regulator pressure the hammer will open. A little under 150 bar. That gives me 32 fpe on the 22 and about 10fpe more on the 25. I've made changes to get the 25 up to about 48 fpe. Biggest thing is a larger plenum which you could do to any P35. I think you could turn the 22 up to around 35 fpe by just raising the regulator a small amount. Decreasing power a little can be done with the hammer spring. Decreasing further would mean decreasing the regulator which is not hard. You cannot easily change the caliber. My P35-22 gave me my first 200 on the 30 yard challenge. I think it's a really nice gun with plenty of power for targets and small game.
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P35s are regulated guns. My 22 and 25 came with the regulator near the maximum regulator pressure the hammer will open. A little under 150 bar. That gives me 32 fpe on the 22 and about 10fpe more on the 25. I've made changes to get the 25 up to about 48 fpe. Biggest thing is a larger plenum which you could do to any P35. I think you could turn the 22 up to around 35 fpe by just raising the regulator a small amount. Decreasing power a little can be done with the hammer spring. Decreasing further would mean decreasing the regulator which is not hard. You cannot easily change the caliber. My P35-22 gave me my first 200 on the 30 yard challenge. I think it's a really nice gun with plenty of power for targets and small game.
You liked so much the p35! BTW the P35 mecanism is the same as the TRex??
We can work on it on the same way in both??