Need help choosing a PCP for hunting

I have never had a PCP I have always had spring and nitro piston powered air rifles. I am wanting to get into PCP's for the improved accuracy and that they are more quiet. I was looking at the benjamin marauder and then I saw the videos of the FX guns and how well they shoot so now I am confused. Is the FX worth the extra money? By some of the videos it sounds like the shot count is way higher on the FX and by the accuracy test it looks to shoot better too. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks 
For a hunting airgun where accuracy and light weight are appreciated I would opt for the FX Wildcat. I have two Cricket,s and they are very accurate but quite heavy and do not have a safety. My FX400 is also a very accurate gun but I feel it is a bit too long to drag through the woods. The other two an Airwolf and Steyr Lg-110HP are strictly bench guns. I am sure there are other manufacturers but these are the guns with which I am familiar.
Okie ,
I know all to well the way you are thinking ...just bought my own first PCP on Friday! 
I wanted a gun that checked all the boxes for me 
1) accurate 
2) powerful
3) quiet 
4) easy to fill and maintain 
5) price

I got the FX independence .22 cal and a hawke Vantage 4-16 scope
it checks all the boxes and then some a little more the I was looking at with the M-rod and Disco but its also way more of a gun (for me) the added bonus of not ever needing an external air source is amazing to me as I am a full time hunter and only punch paper to gain the data to go hunting! 
make your own check list and see what gun checks all the boxes!
best of luck Jonathan
If shot count is a priority, the marauder is definitely the wrong gun for you. Of course the FX guns are much higher priced, but they are a higher quality gun and though accuracy can be equal from higher end guns to lower end guns, the fx is overall a better product. The marauder is a great gun for the money, but only the .25 caliber as the .22 and even .177 can be a crap shoot in the barrel quality.
The .25 is a great caliber. I have owned high end to low end and in regards to a .25 marauder, they tend to be every bit as accurate as all the high end .25's once they are tuned. A tuned .25 marauder will get 16 shots. I feel the marauder trigger can be setup to be as good and even better than most triggers. Past that, the FX or any other high quality brand wins in all other categories. Fit, finish, shot count, etc.

The real sticker shock is the support equipment.
I know a lot of guys have been happy with the .25 Wildcat, it's a bit cheaper price wise 
than the other bullpups. I am partial to the Cricket, true It has no safety but if you're hunting, you don't want to walk around with the hammer spring compressed for long periods of time anyway. I always wait until I'm ready to shoot before I cock it and if I don't get a shot, I decock it and put the mag advance in neutral, that way you can recock it without double loading.
I'm a hunter as well and for me size and weight are also important considerations, so I would recommend you also look at the Air Force guns. I'm particularly fond of the Condor SS. Easy to change calibers depending on the game your hunting, quiet, Lothar-Walther barrels, and with the addition of carbon fiber tank the gun weighs about 6 1/2 lbs with scope.
I think you still need to give more information on what you intend to hunt with your airgun. That will determine how much fpe you will need, accuracy needed, ranges shots will be taken and how many shots you will be taking during a typical hunting trip. Also factor in what will be your hunting style. Will you be sitting in one place or doing a lot of walking. That will determine what type and weight of gun you would be carrying around. Bill