need help find and Czech piercing pin cap

I was given a Drulov DU-10 and it has some problems and one is the piercing pin cap

I have a Aeron Brno B96 and a model 4 and there caps will work and have an email to them but if I remember they don't return emails

I know I can buy Tau 7 caps but the pin looks deep in the cap vs the pin forward that the DU-10 and Aeron's use 

I looked at Chambers, Knibb, Waffencenter Gotha and called Utah Air guns because they are on the list and Joe Brancato because he bought Topgun and they had this sort of thing back in the day

so your wondering what happen to this cap, well there is a clear plastic cover on the CO2 tube for who know what but when you fold up the edges as you put the grips back on and then use a hammer to pound them on and smack the piercing pin cap at the same time you get one big mess

I have not been able the get the cap apart because the pin that has the C,E chip is bent over

oh how did a get the grips off your wondering, a block of wood and a 20 OZ ballpeen hammer and just barely 

so any help with find a cap would be great, have an extra laying around send me a message

a picture of a Tau 7 cap so I can see the depth of the pin would be a big help of I don't waste money buying them from Tau Brno

thanks for the help if you have some if I can't get this pistol squared away maybe a yard sale is in order

I have a bad habit on screwed up things, they have to be fit right or not at all

take care
