Need help with a BSA Ultra

I have finally got round to installing a scope and was going to try out the BSA Ultra I purchased from someone some time ago. At first I thought the scope was loose, but no, it is the breach. I can rock the breach from side to side and this also allows movement of the barrel, not a good scenario for getting good accuracy. I can not see any screws attaching the breach to the tube, does anyone have any knowledge on how to tighten down the breach on these guns. I took the stock off and do not see any obvious attachment screws on the underside, they have to be somewhere? Any hints would be greatly appreciated, maybe even a schematic? many thanks, Neil.
Neil, you have to take the bolt out and the sleeve it travels in. This requires the bolt latch to be removed and don't lose its little coil spring. The tiny rod on the action's left side has to be pushed/tapped out towards the rear with a drift rod to accomplish this.
There is one screw through that sleeve at the rear of the action. Once the sleeve is moved/removed to the rear you woll see another screw head through the receiver under the loading port area. One or other or both those screws must not be tightened properly.
With the aid of that schematic posted above , and due care , I'm sure you will manage it.
I must fly off now to an appointment so will check to see how you get in tonoght here in OZ or tomorrow. ... Kind regards, Harry.
Harry it looks like I am going to have to send the gun to someone who works on them. I have looked at various exploded diagrams of the BSA Ultra and it looks like mine might be a bitsa. There is a hole under the probe but no screw in it and no threads for a screw to screw into. There is also no screw in the back of the scope rail to release the end cap. So I am not sure if this gun is made up of parts, it was bought from someone on the yellow forum and who knows what was put into the gun. I just do not have the time or inclination to spend on it, especially since I have no idea what parts should be there and what parts might be missing. The best thing for me to do is find someone who knows BSA's and is competent enough to put it back together correctly. The front of the breach is totally loose like it is only attached at the back end of it. It is a nice gun but I am just not sure how original it is and what parts might be missing, So if anyone knows who is competent to work on BSA's let me know, many thanks, Neil.
NRN thanks for the kind offer, I will ship you the action and let you take a look at it. I am extremely busy at the moment and thought tightening the breach up would be a simple 5 minute job, apparently not. I am not even sure if everything on the gun is original and correct, I just can not find the forward mounting screw. If you are familiar with them I would rather have you look at it and let me know if it is all original and if not what is needed to put it back to original, many thanks to everyone who responded, Neil.
Ed I'm sorry I appeared to walk out. My computer has had two days in hospital.
Before you do anything, if you inscrew the bolt thumb push nut, you will see the rear locating screw Then, where you load the pellet there is a short plastic loading ramp. When the bolt etc is out, that loading ramp can be slid back an inch, or so, you should then see the forward receiver locating screw underneath that ramp. I guess it is either loose or isn't there (which would leave an obvious hole).

Take care lifting the barrel and receiver off from the little brass transfer port piece which has a tiny "O" ring on each end..
The whole process is a ten minute job when you are familiar with it. My JB Special Hornet that has shot so many tiny ling range (including 300 yards) groups actually has an Ultra receiver.
The most difficult job is getting the little coil spring for the bolt latch back in place without force or damage.

Again sorry; I just read the other folk's advice and see you have thrown in the towel. Those little Ultras have been given the highest accolades from very discerning shooters in UK and Europe. At lease give it a fair trial when you get it back.... Kind regards, Harry.

Harry thanks for the response and advise. I don't usually throw in the towel but I am so busy with orders at the moment I get very little time to do anything fun. So shooting when I can is more important to me than taking guns apart and fixing them. I usually only get to shoot guns to test LDC's I have made, so my time is very limited and I have to make the most of my time shooting, it lets me unwind after a hard day at the lathe. I have another BSA which I totally love, that was why I bought the Ultra, don't worry it will stay with me for some time, being a Brit I like to have a few guns I am familiar with, mainly BSA and Webleys, all the best, Neil.
I recently got my BSA back and would like to thank NRN2015 for fixing the loose breach problem and for generally going over the gun for me. The gun is shooting a ragged one hole group now at 50 yards, I can not ask for a nicer gun, for the money these BSA's cost they are excellent value. The trigger is really sweet and a very nice light pull, without being too light, you know when it is going to break. Thanks again for everything Nitin, I owe you one, Neil.