Need help with new bottle and valve.

I bought a new carbon bottle (Tuxing 500 cc 300bar) from amazon and a FX Valve from UA. I screwed in the bottle to the gun and put air in it with my compressor, the guns gauge reads 175 bar and the compressor gauge reads 250 bar. I have used this compressor to fill my gun multiple time with the stock bottle on it and the 2 gauges have always been exact. I have a maverick VP. Am I missing something? as it seemed straight forward lube the O-ring and screw the valve into the bottle ad air.
I bought a new carbon bottle (Tuxing 500 cc 300bar) from amazon and a FX Valve from UA. I screwed in the bottle to the gun and put air in it with my compressor, the guns gauge reads 175 bar and the compressor gauge reads 250 bar. I have used this compressor to fill my gun multiple time with the stock bottle on it and the 2 gauges have always been exact. I have a maverick VP. Am I missing something? as it seemed straight forward lube the O-ring and screw the valve into the bottle ad air.
You’re not reading the regulator gauge by mistake are you?
I went home and switched out the new bottle for the old bottle on the gun and now the compressor gauge still has a crazy reading compared to what is on the gun gauge which tells me the problem is the compressor gauge and not the new bottle and valve. The compressor is still pumping air so I guess I have to watch the gauge even closer while filling. The Vevor let me down, and after reading all of the other post about that compressor (after I bought it) I see I am not the first let down!
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