N/A Need pcp repair.

I have two pcp rifles that do not hold air. A fellow member sent me O rings for one but it’s still bleeding off. I live in central Texas and looking for an air gun crank near me. I am in Waco

Thank you
Derrick Wall aka Tenacious Airguns [email protected]
superb human airgunner tuner shooter etc... he lives in Tomball TX NW of Houston
WHICH PCP rifles are you having trouble with? Relevant, rather than ambiguous info might help you to fix your problem instead of sending them out(with help from forum members).Have you leak tested the guns or just concentrated on where you THINK the only leaks are? Tearing into airguns can be daunting for some people but once you figure out the "logic" of how they operate & have the tools required & some skill with your hands to work on them you might be glad you can fix your problems & not have to send them out. Soooo, what guns, where do they leak from & what're you gonna do about it?
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The first one is a Taipan Veteran short. Already changed multiple O rings. The second is a Jkhan Noblesse, both in 22
So WHERE is/are the leaks coming from? Are they (still)happening in the places you've already replaced the o-rings? Did you have o-ring replacement "kits" (pre packaged for each specific gun) or do you have multiples of each ring you need? I buy from bulk dealers (Mcmaster-Carr, The O-ring Store, O-rings and More,etc.) so I have multiples of each ring. I've had problems with the "rebuild kits" where you only get one of each that the gun needs but the one doesn't seat right or gets pinched & I was S.O.L. til I bought more. I don't own either of those guns but hear the Taipan is fairly easy to work on.
Another member on here sent me the O-rings for the Taipan. Not sure where he got them from. I couldn’t find where it was leaking before but now it’s blowing straight through the valve and out the hammer spring. It gets up to almost 100 bar before I hear the air leaking there. I removed the snap ring and the valve And did not see any O-ring in there, put it back in, backed out the hammer spring a couple of turns and try it again and the same thing. it gets up close to 100 bar and then I hear air blowing back through the hammer spring adjuster.