Unsure of what you really want to go for however coming from someone who has spent thousands on budget items let me just say this. I don’t think you need a TX200 to be happy however I also would not deal with Krale. I’m going through a really rough time right now returning a rifle to them however as far as a rifle goes… A hatsan 95 will get you a good shooting gun with a great trigger and be under 250$, however I would highly suggest you get an air max scope. They’re pricey for what you want but I’ve tried everything literally everything and the airmax could have saved me hundreds over time. I just recently decided to break the bank and got a TX200 and it’s the best thing I ever did honestly, amazing gun that feels like cheating compared to what I was used too. As I said you can spend very little and get a gun but spending 500$ on a package will be much better.
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