Needing some help with wildcat MK3

Has anybody run across this? (Probably not lol). Friend of mine jammed some pellets in the barrel of her wildcat. I'm not sure but I think that when she tried dislodging the pellets, she drove the barrel back into the breech. It looks to me, like the pin that lines up and stops the barrel was bent over. I can move the pin up and down but can't pull it out. I can also pry the brass piece forward flush with the breech but did not try to go any further. I'm sure with some creativity I can get it all the way out. I'm almost embarrassed to ask, but can anyone guide me in the right direction to fix her gun?

Thanks, Bob

Wildcat MK3.jpg
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That right there, the work of a hammer, or at the very least a person with upper arms like Lou Ferrigno in his prime, and probably also a temperment of that some times green guy Lou played on TV.

I have Jammed my Maverick up real good too, and i have also had to resort to pulling the barrel to revolve it, but things have always slit right back nice and easy.
You maybe able to make a tool like I made to pull out a stuck barrel in the block but you will most likely need to still contact fx for help with a replacement block.

It was in this post below.

That is the harden index pin sticking out....
Time for a New block!!!
*****Note to All****
When Possible, Always remove the Barrel from the action When clearing a MAJOR Obstruction from the Barrel!!!
Major Obstruction: When a cleaning rod or Wooden Dowel can't easily Push Out the Obstruction: It needs to be Hammered!!

Would you call this a MAJOR Obstruction? hehehehe

IMG-3609 (1).JPG
Is your friend she-hulk? She needs to learn how to control her power. You would need to replace the breech if you want the pin stop to function normally. Probably expensive for the breech. You could also just line it up flush and lock it in place. You don't really need the stopping pin, its only a guide so the barrel will line flush.
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The one issue FX really needs to address is double or in this case multiple feeding of projectiles.
A good number of other makers have solved this issue by having a system to prevent multiple loadings.
It would be nice to see one of the leading innovators in the industry address this problem.
Once you have done it a couple times you learn to identify it immediately and stop and fix it before it becomes a problem.
The reality is that any airgun costing $1,500 should not be able to double load IMO.