New .22 Vulcan Review - and first 3 squirrels.

I also have a Vulcan in .22 and you could get more for your money!
I am a tuning freak and I had a lot of work to fit me.

- The striker was slightly bent and so the charging indicator has touched the sides by any shot.
- The safety pin is broken at the beginning.
- The trigger had also sharp edges.
- Even the filling hole had sharp edges and has cut the O-rings of the filling probe.
- The magazines also had sharp edges and has cut my finger. -.-
- The regulator was so inaccurate that I bought an another. (lane regulator)
- The original silencer is very loud and had to be rebuilt.
- The barrel could be processed better.
... and a few things could be better for the many money!

Here are a few pictures that I will have made by the tuning time.

But that's just my personal opinion because with me everything must be perfect.

ps. sorry that I write this in your review.