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New 34 pro compact on the way!

I needed a new rodant gun so I started looking on ebay for deals. I was bidding on a 34 P but it sold for a little less then a new one goes for so I called AOA and ordered a new pro compact. Last one they had.

I started out looking in the $150 range but decided if I was going to spend that much i might as well add a little more and get a german gun. I plan on getting a hw95 field pro this winter so the 34 will be my beater gun...lol

Any suggestions on ammo. Most everything I have now is in the 7 to 8gr range.

I needed a new rodant gun so I started looking on ebay for deals. I was bidding on a 34 P but it sold for a little less then a new one goes for so I called AOA and ordered a new pro compact. Last one they had.

I started out looking in the $150 range but decided if I was going to spend that much i might as well add a little more and get a german gun. I plan on getting a hw95 field pro this winter so the 34 will be my beater gun...lol

Any suggestions on ammo. Most everything I have now is in the 7 to 8gr range.


So, I think this is the one you were looking at below ? Congratulations! For the price the 34 is a great rifle ! I have both calibers. The best pellet so far for the .177cal is the JSB 8.44gr with the 4.53mm head. These are accurate and achieve the most power as well. Mine shoots them in the 925-930 fps range. I haven't determined which pellet is the most accurate in my .22cal rifle. Soon I will though !


Well AOA called me back and said another salesperson had already sold the gun I thought was mine but didn't mark it sold . It was their last one and the salesperson said that model is being discontinued any they can't get any more.

What's funny is I bought the last british webbly tomahawk they had in stock way back when and I almost got the last pro compact they had...lol

I chatted with PA and that seemed to think they could still special order one so placed an order with them. We'll see what tomorrow brings for news about that order.
I personally would just save for the HW95 and just use that. You probably wont want to use an RWS 34 once you shoot the HW95. Noticed those gun prices look high nowadays. Get the one gun I say. Yo!

BS my man - slow your roll

I own both - Yes the R9/HW95 has a better build quality - it should - it cost a lot more, but brand new, out of the box, pre-"tune"? I'll bet on a 34 any day.

Much less grind and honk on the cocking stroke, and no cocking linkage rattle.

And much, MUCH easier to work on . PERIOD
