Good afternoon folks as you have been waiting for your PP750 pistols wanted to let you know a couple items. The final box made it no thanks to postal service but it is here now.
We have been working on them diligently wanted to let you know some of the items we have been documenting for Wes. It has taken a bit longer, we have found issues with some of the pistols and wanted to let you know why it is important for an initial inspection and what we are doing to fix these issues.
Ok first let me tell you the receiver air passage is a respectable .136 opening, unfortunantly the valve-regulator and the barrel passages are .116 go figure. this item is easily solved we are opening all passges to .136 to provide good airflow from tank to barrel and have a good machine match. stuck regulators, belvilles that are not functioning properly due to crap machining, and some debris and cut O-rings very rough cocking due to again poor machining at factory. All these items are being fixed as part of tune we are performing on the PP750s.
Now some other items we are discovering, several pistols are missing cocking lever springs, we have found many that have had there hammer springs cut back, and quite frankly they have missed the mark on several mounting screws as well. In fact they are grinding flats in them to make the allow parts to fit. I have attached a couple images showing these items we have found. NOW that being said Wes has no control over chinese QC. but Ver adium will not ship these pistols as they are not fair to client who has spent there deneros on them.
SO than being said I have decided to fix ALL issues on these pistols it will be done at no charge to the pistol owners, from now on these are no longer chinese pistols they are Veradium Air pistols and all repairs done will be completed by Veradium and will be included in the 58.00 tune setup. I wanted you folks to understand why there has been a longer time than expected to get them out.
Now for the good news! we are very happy with the results after getting all the cruddy factory work fixed, you will be plesently suprised.

So for the big answer we are shipping pistols out now, all will be out of our shop and on there way by the end of next week and in your hands.
We thank you for your patience but sending these out with a lite tune and no work on the other issues just is not in our wheel house and I believe when you receive them you will understand. Thank you and we look forward to continuing to help bring quality work to folks. I thank you for your time and patience.
Veradium Air
Here are items found and have corrected.