New BT65 .25 cal


May 11, 2015
Just received my new Hatsan BT65 SB .25. Took it out on Saturday morning and fell in love. I really liked my AT44-10 .22. It is a really great rifle but man this BT65 is a monster! Everything I hit just fell over immediately. There were no hit a fly aways or hit and crawl aways. There were only hit and drops. Amazing rifle!!! Movies to come!!!
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Looking forward to some scope cam action...The BT65 25 cal was my first PCP and I really liked it. I once zapped a grey fox at 112 yards with a head shot, clean pass through. He dropped without even a death dance, just twitched his tail a few times. His eyes were glazed over by the time I walked to him. I wouldn't normally target foxes but there was a rabies advisory out for them at the time and several people had been attacked by them.
Ok thanks everyone. I will be shooting some in the field video with it as soon as I get it dialed in like I wan it. I can definitely feel the power increase over my AT-44 .22 which is also a great gun. 

First blood came on a ground squirrel at 40 yards. He didn't even twitch after the JSB hit. Same thing with a cottontail and a very noisy feather covered friend. The power is amazing. Hunting videos and review soon to come!
"billydjann"I have always like and wondered about Hatsan BT65 SB .25
You get a chance do some testing for us... I would like to see what it can do...
Check out this video from Baxter

Dang thats like a 70's video lol thats when I first got it... Man I have come a long way, she still shoots the same, nothing has changed except shooting 100yard groups now lol
Thanks cal. I hope to get her shooting like I want to very soon. As soon as AirSuperiority has a regulator in stock, I will drop one in and tune the JSBs to about 930 FPS. I would also like to get a second air cylinder so that I can run the new JSB King Heavies when the new version becomes available. Once that is done, then the videos will begin!!!