New caller (video) coyote but called in an owl :-)

Didn't really have time to go calling coyotes but I just got a Icotec 350+ predator caller so I had to get out even if it was just for 40 min. I scouted out an area last week where I found the remains of a baby goat close to a coral, I assume a coyote snagged him from there...(there is a coral close by where people in town can rent space to keep their horses, goats, chickens, etc)...

Anyway, no time to set up there so just went to a spot closer, put out the caller and by this time only had about 15 min. Area is actually really good for coyote, scat and prints all over but almost too much cover. Couple directions where they would be completely hidden until they're almost on you but when there isn't much time I'll take what I can get. I put out the caller, set up about 85 yards away and turned on the caller. 30 seconds later an owl swoops in for a closer look about 20 yards from the caller, checks it out for about a minute then says "nice try" and takes off.
Was getting dark and brush in between where the owl was and me so not a great video but it was cool to see him swoop in. Here also is the remains of the baby goat, gonna hit that spot up hopefully this weekend.