New Cattleman review with actual shooting

I have gone through the T-1 with a fine toothed comb. It is most certainly NOT a junker. think Evanix, (only with customer support. Something Evanix does not have).only with with a much improved trigger ( real drop sear, rather than a snagg sear), and similar finish to the mono block with the addition of a choice n rails as it has both Picatinny and the typical narrow rails al in one. Nice feature!

I have already found the cause of differing fps's in shooting. It is a very simple issue. Nothing more that a change of steel the hammer rides on and the poppet pin ic made of Easy-peasy! The company is awaiting my suggestions and pic's now. I will be getting the info out to them today. 😉

There is also a very well known Mechanical Engineer that is working with me to help the company perfect the offering. He is also a top ag tuner. But will be remaininganonymouss for the time being. We have been good friends for years.

Cattleman, Miss Victoria isadamantt in wanting to dot the I's and cross the t's in offering a very competent and accurate AG. And is listening to customers. Not all that common nows days!

After a little refining and 6000 shots, even my lowly Pishtov is a good looking, accurate rifle. After my refund, it ended up costing me 350.00. It is my favorite backyard gun out to 35 yards. 
these pics represent before and after tuning @30 yrds. If the Cattleman company would have chose some reputable youtubers to review their gun, it would have changed some people's opinion of this gun.
I've aquired the M1 and T2 in .25 caliber that I'm going to pick through over this next week. I figured the .25 might be a better choice to test as the .22's are a bit hot on speed. I want to test different pellets, shot strings, sound, overall build quality and durability for price point. If anyone has something special they would like now is the time to speak up and I'll make it happen.
OK Guy's ,Here's the latest. Like many of the Cattleman guns, mine, well ok, the one I have here slated to be a give away at another forum. was not very accurate. The choke was fat too tight at 5thou. I removed the choke and lapped the barrel and it is now very accurate. Squirrel head accurate at 80 yard. Tasted just fine with dumplings. 😁

I have been in constant contact with the factory rep and the factory Forman. I have found several issues and they are being addressed and will be included with teh May shippment guns.

Here is as sort list. The barrels are being re-sourced, The hammer guide rod is now tool steel for the hammer to ride on as the previous rod was SS. As the hammer is SS, It was causing galling and resulted in wildly varying fps. The choke will be loosened a bit and the crown cutters are being replaced to prevent the dreaded ring in the bore apx. one inch down the bore from the muzzle. The re-source will take care of that. 

I was mistaken, the gun is not a clone of a Kral or Evanix at all, but a very close rendition of the Russian Ataman M-1, just at a very much reduced price. It is NOT Chinese anything. It is not a pishtov, or any other brand. They now own the design and improved it from pishtov. It is made in the factory owned by Miss Victoria's family. End of story. The plant is in Turkey. Her husband runs it, and is joined with her father.. A Veteran and retired gunsmith. A true Family business. I have spoken to Her Husband and he is very determined to produce a good quality gun that is beyond it's price point. . He is very open to improvements as is Miss Victoria.

I am working on a degassing solution and next will be adjustable trigger. On a side note, by changing the Hammer Guide rod material, the rough, rather gritty cocking is now liquid smooth. Un real the difference it has made. 

I will be going-over the upgraded guns shortly and will get with Cattleman with the results. We are discussing the possibility of unchoked barrels for slug shooting as well.

The upgraded barrels and hammer guide rod will be offered to the present customers at no charge. Unlike one of our favorite manufactures, you do not have to buy yet another barrel to keep up with the improvement. Next will be adjustable hammer tension. I'm already on it. 

I would like to mention that I have found something odd about the Mag's. As yo rotate the, you can drop a pellet into them and the large rear opening in the steel face allows them to funnel into the mag ands with no more than a light push, the rater large opening in the face plate allows your finger tip to seat the pellet almost without thinking about it. Not many of my guns mag's are this easy to load. No hard push, not ink pin to push needed. No rattling, and after a few thousand shots, still not one damaged pellet. All smooth. That has to be worth a few points. No?

I have no idea how the pic showing all the damaged skirts could happen without being totally without any ***** what so ever. 

Here is a pic of the target board before and after the choke removal. I am glad this feature, the too tight choke is soon to be a thing of the past. Yes, the same board, (target card board). Huge difference. All in the choke! With it gone, it became accurate. Now that it has broken in, it is more accurate than this at 50 yards and I can hit the 1 inch spinner at 80 yard in an almost boring fashion. Note, these are with the lowly Crosman HP. Never a great performer. the 18 JSWB cut his in half. As would be expected. I would like to try some 15 JSB's.9n . No doubt, with a lighter choke, this can be improved further. It is being done as I type this. 


One thing addressing the Cheap import statements. The Mono Block construction is well executed. Not one machining mark an be found. Very well machined and fitted. Trigger parts are well made as well. Far above the previous Pishtov version. Not even in the same universe. I do appreciate the Picatinny top rail. The old 1mm dovetail arrangements are hopefully fading away from the industry. Definitely a Step Forward in a lower priced AG.

For a new venture, I ordered (finally after a very long want) An Uragan in .25. Looking forward to it. Interesting AG , and one of the few that has peeked my interest of late. Hope to get her shooing my slugs shortly.
