New Cattleman review with actual shooting

I was wondering how long before someone objected to the pellets.

They are affordable air arms thru Canada. To my limited experience eye,.I feel tooooooo soft. The mag has a oring snugging pellets in place. To press them deep enough I was using tip of finger nails. They were much smoother in the plastic tin.

If I need to aim, not just test, will need pellet pusher on these. Would Slow me down loading 80 lump of lead tho,.For shot strings.

???? The shot string. I am still learning how to interpret what I see. For a unregulated gun, my guess was shot 40 to 80 would be the most consistent. The "sweet spot" as tuned? Which also means only fill to 150bar.

Presumably the new gun will have a different pattern since I will get my 1000 fps. Jk again. More of a rolling hill than the Colossus.

BigTinBoat, good eye. My lousy memory doesn't remember if I mixed pellets before the string, or the first mag of the string. (I took the pic to complain to the vendor. Maybe even to show the difference in result to skirts? I might have done so on purpose. But not his fault I used low tech rather than high; didn't complain)

The target pic was completely before the shot string, so at least 3 mags. For the string I definitely stick to that pellet for at least 5 mags in a row.
To the casual observer it would appear that that is a magazine full of garbage pellets, they may even appear to be the floor sweepings of multiple companies re-melt piles of lead. But I suspect that this is a top secret Cattleman guns experiment that’s being conducted in Turkey, codenamed “Ruger17gr”. It’s been rumored on Reddit/conspiracy for a while but I never thought it could be true. Until now. 
I think what we are seeing is that these custom pellets came with the Cattleman pcp as a complimentary gift and those aren’t scratches and dents guys....that’s a speed treatment for the surface of the pellet that helps stabilize it at Mach III speeds....similarly to the way dimples on a golf ball Help it travel further.
The appearance of different weights of pellets is also intentional. The Cattleman gun has a very advanced valve, and by feeding it precisely weighed pellets in a particular order you are able to maximize performance through the entire air pressure range which allows the accuracy you’ve seen exhibited in the videos. I would suggest that the shot string pictured by the gentleman above is NOT great simply because he inadvertently loaded the pellets in the wrong order of their weights.

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To the casual observer it would appear that that is a magazine full of garbage pellets, probably the floor sweepings of multiple companies re-melt piles of lead. But this is not the case. 
Obviously the custom pellets came with the Cattleman pcp as a complimentary gift and those aren’t scratches and dents guys....that’s a speed treatment for the surface of the pellet that helps stabilize it at Mach III speeds....similarly to the way dimples on a golf ball Help it travel further.
The appearance of different weights of pellets is also intentional. The Cattleman gun has a very advanced valve, and by feeding it precisely weighed pellets in a particular order you are able to maximize performance through the entire air pressure range which allows the accuracy you’ve seen exhibited in the videos.

 What ? ^^^^ Is this a serious statement... Killin' me ....

Holy geeeezus I just watched it. And in the comments he said he would’ve shot more than 6 times but couldn’t due to “technical difficulties” hahahahaha

And the totally awesome music and emojis??? How could he ever top this video?? This has to be the the top of his career.

That whole channel is like a spoof of actual airgun hobbyists. At least I feel like Shooter1721 actually enjoys the sport and seems personable and is entertaining, whereas this guy seems like a fish out of water. He mentioned in a different video when talking about the power of the T2 describing its “pound foot” and i felt like he was just saying phrases he didn’t really understand. And in this video watching him pack up a co2 pistol and cartridges along with the T2 to head to the range on a cold winters day tells me something.... it tells me this guy is a hardcore air gunner and not at all faking anything. 

I’m getting my credit card out and buying 10 of these things right now.
sorry to say my memory is way off about those pellets. NOT AIR ARMS

Sorry guys. Yes thru Canada. But is Xisico brand


Vetmx, thank you for your unbiased statement.

Loading wise the prod mag I use for my 2240, the twist the face,.don't let it slip, don't put the backwards pellet in forwards....

Loading wise my cricket 9 mil, so easy to load that the pellets fall out if I don't gently hold, gently load, gently cock holding it level without breathing...

So in comparison I like the mechanics of this 🐮 mag. Just need to find the right pellet, or the right touch, to fit all the way in without my nails. (Need to dig up that pellet pen I never use)

[[That emoji looks like a hippo to me more than a moo]]
WOW! That shot string looks......not good.

Those pellets could easily be causing the SD in that string. For those looking closely at the pic (to see the damage) you should also note that there are at least 3 different type (or weight) pellets in that mag.

Compare the one ready to be chambered to the one immediately to it's left and also to the one 2 pellets to it's right.

Even if we discount the unacceptable 10 shot ES to twice reused pellets the entire string is still horrible, we are talking 200 FPS swing in the string. Compare to that my cheap unregulated crosman PCP shot strings looks the plains in texas as supposed to the cattleman's string that looks the grand Tetons. 
Cattleman need more SHEEP.





I’m sure many will run with scissors over to touch the hot stove. Like you said, it’s human nature. I know there is an airgun shortage and it’s the perfect time to jump in and make money. I’m just getting tired of the $600 junk. I guess I should avoid taking it personally and just sit back and watch fools part with their money. I’m thinking Cattleman is going to miss out on a great opportunity to get into the game because they did not do their homework first or by doing more testing, it would have shrunk the profit margin too much. 
I believe you mean more cattle?

Sheep herders are a totally different breed. At least per tv.


So Odoyle, I know you have almost every gun made. Including the element. All I know is budget ie crosman, Artemis, kalibr, aea.

I get parts and support are debatable. Is quality, dependability, accuracy that are animal excrement?

I know you said worth half price for the element. For metal not plastic, so light. 40fpe ? I know a veteran already has the bulletproof reputation, but 4 times the retail? And for my pending t1,'about 6 times the price.

The shot string is the 🔑 to rule all bragging rights?

I appreciate being schooled. Still figuring it out. (Presumably if I sell off all my budget rifles and pistols I may eventually be able to afford a used quality gun)
Figure out the cost of the Cattleman + what it takes to get it shooting correctly, and you may find that you have invested enough dough that you could have bought a Dreamline or similar.

If you are set up to do the work yourself, that is all good, but if you have to send it off to be massaged the Cattleman is a non starter.

I actually wish the best for them, it would be nice to see them succeed.
Vetmx, is my fuzzy memory right? I seem to recall recently being shocked to read that you don't own pcp's. With all your knowledgeable posts, I would have never guessed break barrel only.

Or was that a different forum member? (I never know what I know anymore. Old age and lack of sleep)

To let you in the mind of a fool. I am no where near 6 foot tall. So a 8-10 pound hatsun or kral does not appeal even tho in my imaginary budget range. Mrod is still heavy, and long. And so bullpup size and weight would make it a $1000 mrod. Just like I have hundreds in my.2240.

However I wouldn't want to spend $600 on a unknown gun either. And I didn't. EBay rather than cattleman or aea site gets me perhaps almost wholesale price instead.

Fools dream that I can't wait empty handed for would be leshy, or priest, prophet, Leyla, veteran. Even a 30fpe prod could probably fill my wishes.
I have plenty of PCP’s. I also went through a phase of being fascinated with fixing up poorly designed PCP’s. Three years ago I probably would have bought a Cattleman T1 or one of its Pishtov predecessors just to rebarrel and regulate it. I always had quality PCP’s and I used them as a benchmark on how I wanted a rags to riches gun to perform. I finally got tired of spending endless hours on my lathe and investing a bunch of cash in guns that should have just been better out of the box. It finally struck home when I watched a friend buy gun after gun for his daughter. He just kept sending the junkers back. His primary gun is an Ataman. He wanted something cheap for his kid. He doesn’t believe in buying something for hundreds of dollars and having to fix it. His daughter was so bummed every time one of the guns had to go back. People don’t buy brand new anything because they want to work on it to make it right. For some reason, PCP guys do. They like to really gamble on the purchase of completely unknown guns. And it bites them. Bluemoon, have you considered a XISICO Sentry? Way safer gamble.
I just viewed one on YT that compared this rifle to the AV Avenger. He shot one group, one distance with one type of pellet!!! His Cattleman grouped tighter in this one 5 shot test so he declared the Cattleman the victor. When I asked about the limited single "test", Ol boy proceeded to lecture me on how good his test was because he used "The Scientific method"😂 Needless to say I un-sub'd asap.