My new Crosman 3622 came in today. Installed a steel breech kit I had squirreled away for a rainy day. Rifle looks excellent. Bluing is deep and shiny. Barrel is spotless and the crown looks great. Rifling is sharp and neat. I ran a patch which came out nearly clean. The 3622 weighs 3.8 pounds bare on my scale. I cannot over emphasize how sleek and tiny this rifle is. Compared to a Benjamin pump 392, the Benji is huge, hulking, heavy. The stock feels great and is made in two pieces. The forward section replaces the pump arm on the 362 and attaches via the two plastic barrel bands. The length of pull is adult, small to medium adult
, and is about .5 inches shorter than a Marauder.
Here is my almost not a Marauder .25 Super Light (5.3 pounds bare) compared to the new 3622:

I was able to get a BSA 2-7X33 compact scope intended for the Ruger 1022 mounted up and get a few shots in. Velocity was right on the stated 700 fps for 24+ shots. I sighted in at 15 yards due to the cold and wind and the rifle made a tight, slightly ragged hole using the CPHP pellets. Noise, I would say it is relatively quite, moderate report. Slightly sharp pop. The Marauder is noticeably quieter, but I am running an added DFLS on the carbine length short shroud.
I am going to give this 3622 a full 10 stars. The only let down is the trigger, so maybe 9 for 10. The trigger is not really bad and I am sure I can work it a bit. A little heavy but predictable. What I do not like is that the trigger is plastic. The trigger is the most important tactile contact point and I would wish it to be metal, like the Marauder and like the GTA trigger I installed to replace the plastic trigger on my Urban.
Here is my almost not a Marauder .25 Super Light (5.3 pounds bare) compared to the new 3622:

I was able to get a BSA 2-7X33 compact scope intended for the Ruger 1022 mounted up and get a few shots in. Velocity was right on the stated 700 fps for 24+ shots. I sighted in at 15 yards due to the cold and wind and the rifle made a tight, slightly ragged hole using the CPHP pellets. Noise, I would say it is relatively quite, moderate report. Slightly sharp pop. The Marauder is noticeably quieter, but I am running an added DFLS on the carbine length short shroud.
I am going to give this 3622 a full 10 stars. The only let down is the trigger, so maybe 9 for 10. The trigger is not really bad and I am sure I can work it a bit. A little heavy but predictable. What I do not like is that the trigger is plastic. The trigger is the most important tactile contact point and I would wish it to be metal, like the Marauder and like the GTA trigger I installed to replace the plastic trigger on my Urban.