Thanks for the info , I have mine stock and plan on keeping it that way for now ,but looking forward to what you do with yours I hope you post the results.
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I have settled on what pellet I want to use in my DAR .22 and that is the JSB 15.9 dome. It has given the best performance for me and it also was the best performing pellet in my other air rifles as well.
I now need to re-do my chronograph tests and record results plus construct a range card out to 100 yards. As far as the regulator setting I'll try shooting it down again and note where it is adjusted. Same goes for the hammer spring as I have not touched it at all. When I go hunting I'll re-do the zero to 50 yards.
I took out my bench rest gear to shoot some groups and this DAR .22 is right in the ball park with my competition air rifles.