NEW DNT ZULUS vs. OLD ARKEN ZULUS ...New Firmware Update with Improvements.

Looks great to me.
Seems like more definition in the 2nd photo.
Im no expert, but to be fair, you would have to compare the 2 , at the same exact time, and the same level of zoom.
Light pollution and moon stages will certainly vary, and based on time stamp, we had a full moon on the night of your 1st photo.
Edit- Im courious...How far away was the mouse in these photos?
I was thinking the same to about the full moon, the zoom on the second photo was not as close, the mice is are both photos was at 15 yards
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I currently have 3 apps installed....
Arken Ballistics, Arken Optics, and now the new DNT...
Do you suggest now that I have DNT installed, that I delete the Arken Ballistics and Arken Optics app's?
Is there any reason to keep the 2 previous apps installed?
Thanks in advance.
If your device is compatible with the DNT app, earlier non lrf units will not be able to connect, if you have a newer zulus or the lrf version than you will be able to connect to the DNT app and will no longer need to have the arken apps
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No, probably another 3 hours today trying.

Getting assistance from all over the world. 😉

Video conference on the agenda, probably the first Zulus to be hit with a 30 Oz Estwing hammer.
PM me your information which zulus model and your serial number. See if I can check it out for you.
What is the reasoning behind arken going to DRT? I just got my zulus a few weeks ago and haven't done much. Will there be a big difference between the programs?
Arken wanted to focus on the glass side of the scopes so the digital side branched off and DNT was formed. DNTs main goal is to put out the same good products with more in the future. When you say a difference in programs do you mean the apps?
I got everything updated today. Still have to verify zero. But one thing I don't see in the new DNT app is the Bluetooth BLE Firmware update function which used to be part of the Arken Ballistics app. Is that going to make a return?
When an update is available in the DNT app it will say Firmware Update in blue next to where it says connected.
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Well don't be too disappointed about it. I did not notice any improvement in image quality. (did a side by side comparison of 2 Zulus)

With the new firmware you do get a continuous DNT logo in the lower left corner of the viewfinder, to prevent you forgetting what you're looking through... (no you cannot turn it off:mad:) Had they just overlayed it on recorded footage: fine and totally understandable from a marketing standpoint, but having it permanently displayed on the screen of the scope!?!)