I am not struggling with the new format in any way. I bought my first PC in 1981, and am quite computer literate. I just don't like it. PM's are now conversations. My existing PM's have words bleeped out. Are conversations private? You can see who you are following, but can no longer see who is following you. I don't like the Discussion and Tuning sections of PCP airguns mixed together, nor do I like the WTS, WTB and everything else mixed together in the Classifieds.
One thing that does remain is the ability for posts to disappear without explaination, just like FB, which I no longer use. Yes the site is faster, but much privacy and the free exchange of meaningful airgun information is gone. I too have noticed the frivilous topics and the lack of activity by most of my favorite long time members. I feel the site is now similar to a FB page which I refuse to use much (I did use it once because i was the only way to get an Ed Brown grip for the Leshiy Classic). I do not and will not use Twitter or Instagram either, as they seem to be mediums frequented by shallow non-thinkers just trying to be noticed by copying and sharing things from others.
I plan on checking the site frequently in the hope some of the knowledgeable members return to make it more like it used to be. It was the Members who made AGN what it was.